Cannot decide between Uppababy Vista & Nuna Triv travel systems

@chrisss7 The vista was gigantic for us, took up way too much room in the car. We just switched to the triv and are a lot happier. We have a Nuna pipa rx, which can be used with a base or without. Admittedly, we haven’t tried without the base yet.
@chrisss7 We went with the Nuna Trio travel system (car seat, stroller, bassinet). Bassinet was a waste of money. We did use it, but honestly not enough. We were rear ended by a woman driving around 30MPH while we were at a full stop. The baby was mostly fine minus some scratches around her neck from the seat. That alone is worth it. The third leg really makes a difference. The stroller has been fine, but it definitely looks worn two years in and several countries traveled to.

The Nuna customer service was a HUGE let down. We had a wheel come off and another screw pop off the stroller. Customer service had a bunch of BS about proving the item was purchased within the two year warranty. I had some proof but not enough in their eyes.

I think my experience with their customer service would make me more likely to try out the UPPABABY, but my baby was fine after that accident and that is essentially worth all the money and more I put into the travel system.
@possum Thanks for your reply! there’s a typo in the first line so making sure you mean the Triv? When you traveled, did you counter check or gate check the stroller? Did it ever get damaged by airline? (Like do you think that what caused the wheel issue?) Nuna’s site says they wouldn’t cover that anyways, unless you buy their $200 bulky wheeled travel bag which seems annoying to carry through airport for gate checking! I’m nervous to travel with the triv after reading all this but it seems like you traveled with it a lot so curious your experience
@chrisss7 Yes, I’m on my phone so it auto replaces my text. I meant the Triv.

When we travel we gate check. The stroller made it to several continents fine. I thought about getting the bag but honestly didn’t see a point. Now that I’ve dealt with their customer support I wouldn’t expect them to cover damage under any of their warranties.

I really like the Triv and its small size. With that said, it doesn’t do so well against bumps, cracks, or other common barriers. In Paris for example, it would often meet a violent halt when it met a bump in the sidewalk.

I’m not sure what other options have hit the market in the last couple of years, but I’d look around.
@possum Thank you for this response! In your travels, were you able to get the Triv through TSA without taking off the wheels or did you need to do that for it to fit?
@chrisss7 Hi! I have the Cruz and I just got the triv! I hatedddddd the Cruz, it’s too heavy, folds in two pieces, and the wheels lock at random points?? Also recently one the wheels started randomly coming loose during walks. I got the triv after doing a lot of research and it was the only one that fit my criteria of being non toxic, lightweight, and being able to fold and unfold with one hand while parent facing. I would really recommend it it so light and I can take baby in one hand and stroller in the other and can go for walks every day now. Before just thinking about taking the Cruz out made me break out into a sweat. Also it’s not recommended for baby to sleep in a car seat outside of the car so you can get a carrycot to add to the stroller or have them sleep in the triv reclined. Hope this helps!
@chrisss7 I tell everyone that I advise to get a car seat with a base. So many baby appointments and in general going in and out of the car is so much easier and convenient than latching or strapping each time. So I would not get the urbn car seat.

If you want Nuna car seats, get the Pipa RX. If you want an Uppababy car seat, get the Aria if you aren’t expecting until after March since it comes out in March. Both will work with an Uppababy stroller (if adapter for Nuna Pipa RX) but only Pipa RX will work with the Nuna stroller.

Now more specific to your question, Vista or Triv? It is very different, I would say Cruz Vs Triv is a better comparison as they are closer in size. Vistas main draw is two child sitting. But if that was your main point then you wouldn’t really consider the Triv. I also was debating heavily between Cruz and Triv. My buddy went with the Triv and I went with the Cruz. They haven’t had their baby yet so I can’t tell you their thoughts on it but what drove me to the Cruz was mainly the sturdiness of the stroller. It felt like it could last through a second child if needed. I could’ve gotten the Vista but seemed too bulky and heavy for my wife’s liking and the steering when you have two isn’t as smooth so we decided to just focus on one child’s experience instead of planning for a potential future. The Triv felt like it wasn’t as sturdy or suspensions weren’t as nice. Also it’s a single point of failure if that middle pulling contraption doesn’t work, you can’t fold your stroller. The demos as multiple stores I checked, the Triv folding either didn’t work as easy as others or got stuck. I’m sure it’s been abused but just made me not want it for the longevity of it. Cruz I feel like I can use it for way longer and Triv felt like it would not be as seamless down the line.

The other big issue I had with the Triv is the storage space under the seat. It only holds 10 lbs while the Cruz/Vista holds 30 lbs and bigger area. This is a big difference and even with just my diaper bag in the storage bin on the Cruz, it fills up a good amount so I can’t imagine the Triv storage being enough for any all day adventures or much.

Those are my two main issues that drove me to get the Cruz over the Triv. I spent days researching to the point I knew more than the Nordstrom reps and going back and forth between the two. I’ve very happy with my Cruz choice and Pipa RX combo. But if I had my baby after March this year I would’ve gotten the Uppababy Aria for a lighter car seat and handle bar ergonomics for holding the car seat.

Good luck with everything! I have tons of doubts in my choices so I understand your mindset, both are great options but just gotta figure out what are the dealbreakers for you between the two since it’s different for everyone.
@chrisss7 We love our Vista. Yes, it’s big, but it’s so comfortable for the baby and sturdy. We’ve flown with it a few times (we gate check it in the expensive Vista travel bag that guarantees replacement if anything happens to it), and it’s been just lovely all around. If we traveled all the time, I’d probably consider a specific travel stroller, but I haven’t felt the need to. The bassinet was perfect when he was a newborn (both for walks and to sleep in for naps and at bedtime on the bassinet stand), and the ease of the Mesa clicking in was fantastic. We had two bases and only seatbelted the Mesa in when we traveled and didn’t have a base with us. It’s very sturdy. He’s 13 months old and using the regular stroller attachment with a cozy ganoosh for the winter and in a convertible car seat now (not Uppababy). We use the stroller every day and love it. 10/10; would happily buy it and all the accoutrements again.
@thiago Thanks so much for your reply! For airport travel / gate check with the Vista, did you and your partner have to check all your personal luggage in order to have one person push the stroller and one pull the wheeled travel bag through the terminal? Also did you have to remove the wheels at TSA? That just seems so inconvenient to me! Plus, pricey with check bag fees (we usually carry on). So I’m thinking maybe even if we go with the vista we might be better off counter checking the stroller & baby wearing or something.
@chrisss7 We check one big bag for the three of us and then have personal items on the plane. (We buy a seat for the baby and take the car seat on the plane, so he gets carry ons too.) We do have to disassemble the stroller at TSA, but it’s honestly not bad. Counterchecking might be fine too; my guy is just big and I don’t want to baby wear that often anymore. Plus, having the car seat makes having the stroller much nicer.
@chrisss7 Are you going to be folding up the strollers? Full disclosure we don’t have either of these (we have a cruz), but my understanding is nuna strollers fold better
@chrisss7 I am in the same dilemma and had the same thoughts as you on the Urbn. But the appeal of the Triv for me still has it at the top of my list. It’s so lightweight and I live in the suburbs, aka in and out of the car a LOT

For the car seat, we are going to get a Pipa RX that comes with a base. Then we will buy another base for my husbands truck. All in all, it’s only like $100-200 more than the Urbn/ Triv combo.

My parents will also be helping with daycare pickup etc, but based on my Pipa research - they can still be installed with a seatbelt and therefore it will still work for my parents to help with pickup etc.
@chrisss7 One way to address some of your concerns would be to buy only one base for the car your baby is in most frequently and installing the car seat with the seat belt in the other car(s).

I don't have either of those strollers, so I can't say which is better for your situation, but we have a different Uppababy stroller, and I will say that their customer service is fantastic.

Is there a reason you're deciding between the Triv and the Vista and not Vista and Mixx or Triv and Cruz?
@chrisss7 I love my Nuna triv next. I was a nanny for 20 years so had plenty of experience with employers’ overly heavy and awkward strollers. I finally got to pick my own stroller! The triv is so lightweight; it’s so easy to get in and out of the trunk at every stop. The suspension is nice and the wheels are plenty big for suburban life, as long as you don’t plan on taking it on rocky trails and the like. I love that I can parent or world face both the car seat and the stroller seat, and am able to fold it in both configurations. Not having the bulk of the stroller seat while using it with the car seat is also a nice touch. For air travel, I would just get another stroller eventually, I wouldn’t want the airlines destroying my everyday stroller, and the ones that fold up to go in the overhead bin have tiny wheels and the folds are definitely more complicated.

We use the nuna pipa rx. It’s been great. The base is pretty easy to pop in and out of the car. We only have one and go between my and my husband’s vehicle a decent amount.

Depending on how old your first one will be when you have your second would depend on what you would want at that time. I think most of the “convertible” type strollers are too bulky and heavy for one, and not a great set up for 2. I would more than likely get a bugaboo donkey, or something similar, for 2 small kids. Or if your first is older, maybe you could just add a buggy board to your existing stroller.