Can anyone tell me why I have to be high (using THC or CBD) in order to eat during pregnancy?


New member
So I 26(F) just found out I’m just under 10 weeks pregnant with my second child (pregnancy started about 6 months postpartum with my first and he just hit 8m)


While I was pregnant with my first, I found myself throwing up EVERY single time I ate food, drank water, or literally put anything of substance into my body. I was in the ER left and right to get IV fluids just to stay hydrated and go about a normal day. This started about 6 weeks into that pregnancy. Well, I am a nervous nelly when it comes to some superstitions and ole wives tales, one of them being to keep the baby a secret until that 12 week mark when you change trimesters.

My boyfriend’s (M29) mom is a pot-head. We’ve all been smoking together since him and I got together (which was about 6-9 months before the 12 week mark). To hide the pregnancy I would take small hits here and there just claiming I hurt my throat or something. My boyfriend and I agreed if it didn’t feel safe or right I would stop.

After starting my daily, 5-8 times a day throw ups, I was SUPER nervous to go over there because they would know something was up if I was throwing up the whole time again (you can only use the “Stomach Bug” so many times as an excuse 😭.) We came in for a visit, she offered a hit and I took it (this was the first time I smoked during the pregnancy about 2-3 weeks after finding out and throwing up all that time) and my stomach started to ROAR and hurt so bad because I was so hungry and thirsty and I didn’t even know it. I ate and drank so much food and water that day. It was so nice!

Fast forward to my next doctors appointment (about a week from that day) and I still can’t keep anything down. My doctor had asked if I had any concerns so far and I explained what been happening and what happened that one day being completely honest with her saying it was just to keep the secret for a few more weeks. She seemed perplexed and confused. She said to try Cbd gummies and see if they have the same effect. We did and they worked. They still gave me zofran to have but told me to try to only use the Cbd gummies and see if they keep helping. My baby boy was 5 weeks premature, SUPER Jaundice, and one hell of a story (but that’s for another time 😅)

Now with this new pregnancy I am already throwing up every morning…but that part seems consistent. If I don’t have any gummies, I will throw up all day. If I eat the one gummy after throwing up when I wake up (normally between 3-5am) then I’m alright through my work day until I get home…IF I keep eating and drinking to a minimum (which isn’t hard to do as a daycare teacher with 2-4 year olds who want everything you have.)

I guess my over all concern and problem is that there isn’t much research on cannabis and pregnancy that doesn’t seem to just make it sound negative immediately. My doctor seems to feel safe with it since eating and drinking water is a major concern. But we also can’t find anything on WHY I have been sick like that and WHY thc and cbd are what help keep me consuming what I need to survive.

The only things my boyfriend and I have found that we think could have effected this was:
1.) It may have something to do with my balance. I seem to get really nauseous and throw up more and worse when I’m getting up from laying down, bending over, move too much, or eat.
2.) Our Rh (blood type) doesn’t match. I’m O+ and he’s A- our fist is A+. We think I might be so sick because my body doesn’t see the baby as a baby, but an infection it’s trying to get rid of. We don’t actually know if the 2 match or that would cause me to not keep anything down, but it’s our only guess.

Any advice or suggestions or anything to point us in some kind of direction would be greatly and kindly appreciated!!! We really don’t want to have to have me high for a pregnancy again, but I also know it’s the only way to keep myself and the baby healthy.
@waiwai25 If you can’t find any reason on why you’re sick , it’s called hyperemesis gravidurm. Visit the . I am and was a canna mom. Currently on my third pregnancy. I have been pregnant at 14 with a girl. 17 with a boy. And now 22 with a girl. I found out early 4-6 weeks with ALL three because out of the blue I just started getting deadly and like violently sick ! I thought I had the flu with my firstborn. Hyperemesis is a condition that causes a women to suffer for majority if not all of her pregnancy. I’m currently on zofran (I took with all of my pregnancies the entire time) now I’m also taking diclegis and promethazine ! All twice a day to help control vomiting. Even that is not enough. I smoked cannabis my prior 2 pregnancies the entire time , it is certain limited small studies showing the relation between cannabis and hyperemesis ! My daughter is 7 now and my son is 4 , they were born low birth weight but easily could very well have been majorly from me being sick the entire times not able to keep anything down constantly in and out of the hospital, having to get IV medication’s and fluids with my first daughter and my organs even started shutting down anything people told me to try didn’t work my family and friends were non educated and had absolutely no idea about the disease hyperemesis during pregnancy. I’m on my third Pregnancy I’m just now finding out all the information and digging as deep as I can into my condition and how to better handle it and educate those around me. You’re not over doing it or being dramatic listen to your body and mention hyperemesis to your provider. I promise you, the sooner you know that’s what it is the sooner you can better treat what your body is going through because the treatments that work for regular morning sickness will not work for hyperemesis
Especially if you’re morning sickness last and persist over 14 weeks . I wake up around 3-5 every single morning now and have since I was about 6 weeks sick even taking my nausea meds and vitamins AM and PM , I have to wake up and smoke. The only reason I have been hospitalized the least amount of times this pregnancy than my previous 2 is because I have stayed with weed so far my entire pregnancy . So when I get sick , to the point I’m gagging and dry heaving and tightening , I HAVE to smoke to even take another set of meds to keep it down or else I end up in the hospital having to get those same meds thru IV. Visit the you can even be recommended a doctor on there in your area that has expierience treating it. Hope this helps.
@waiwai25 But what a OB doesn’t tell you (if you live somewhere weed is illegal) they do have to report to the hospital if you test positive for weed or any substance throughout OB care to the hospital you deliver at. In doing so , the hospital has more than enough reason to drug test your baby any or all of the 3 ways they can. If you stay somewhere weed is illegal , 9/10 you could or could not risk the possibility of having a dss case open before the release of your baby. Good news ? I dealt with that twice now , with my daughter I was only 14 , 15 right before I had her so I was a minor I went through a lot more with her and did loose custody. Her father was abusive and I had no family support it was ALOT a long story. Now With my son I was 17 and had him in SC instead of NC , even though I was staying in NC due to being scared of my record following me on his birth. I still dealt with a dss case with my son after him being born but he’s 4, me and his father have him and are fine now and on our second child together and I still smoke because I know things will be okay and it’s in my best interest. & my whole family know I smoke they know how sick I get and how bad I am so they all understand ! Don’t let someone mislead or misread you because it’s your first baby they can manipulate you in a time your most vulnerable because it’s the only support you have , yes be weary but DO WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU.
@waiwai25 I hope this helps I could go on n on if you wanna know more or have any questions it’s so much I wanna share to people going thru anything similar I did because I’m only 22 and I felt helpless until now because now I don’t feel alone