Can’t seem to lose a pound


New member
I’m 8 months pp and I feel like I’ve tried everything to lose weight. I’m eating healthy and monitoring my calorie intake, exercising everyday, drinking enough water, but still I can barely even lose a pound. I’m also in the Army Reserves (U.S) and im suppose to do a fitness test next month. I hate seeing my body. I try to avoid looking in the mirror while I’m naked. I feel like I look like if someone shaved the grinch (funny I know). I’m just so beaten down, I need help!
@queenmommy Yes!! Check your thyroid! I struggled for over a year before I got married unable to lose weight no matter what and turns out it was my thyroid. Didn't figure it out until after my big day unfortunately, but oh well.
@mmw0139 Are you breastfeeding? I’m 7 months PP and I exclusively breastfeed. I am 3 pounds away from what I weighed the day I went into labor 🫠 I’m hoping it goes away when I wean
@mmw0139 I would see a PCP and have your thyroid checked, A1C (blood sugar), a general blood panel to check hormones and vitamin levels etc. Even though I’m still breastfeeding I have an appointment on July 1st to do the same! It’s hard I’m right there with you
@htrobert1 Because I basically was asking him to use it to loose the last 10lbs and I didn’t meet the bmi eligibility requirements… he was basically like we can’t lie… I dunno ppl kept on saying just ask… I thought doctors were prescribing it like hot cakes, the issue was the insurance coverage

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