Breastfeeding carrier


New member
Hi all! I’m not sure if I used the right tag, apologies if I didn’t. I currently have a 19 month old and 2 month old. For my older I always used my original ergo baby and loved it. But I didn’t breastfeed. I now have my 2 month old and he does nurse exclusively. I am wanting to find a carrier that allows me to nurse him.

I am 5 foot 6 inches, 107 lbs, incase this matters. I have a moby wrap that I love right now. I also like my original ergo baby. But I would like something more simple if possible.

I appreciate anyone taking the time to help me find something. Happy Holidays.
@mynameisjim Any carrier you get would require you to adjust before and after breastfeeding and to stop whatever you were doing and sit down to keep an eye on things. Breastfeeding in a carrier without supporting/keeping an eye on LO has led to infant deaths. It is a major suffocation risk.

That said: a Tula FTG is a simple full buckle carrier, the full buckle from LennyLamb is also a good option.

Aside from full buckle carriers such as those, ring slings are also quite easy once you get the hang of them. They do have a learning curve and some people dont seem to ever get the hang of it though. But once you do, they are very quick and easy.
@mynameisjim I breastfed many times in my original Ergo baby. It’s essentially the same as nursing in koala position. You loosen the shoulder straps, slump baby down lower, pull boob up a little, nurse, then hike baby back up and retighten the straps.
@shela710 This. I’ve nursed in a couple of different SSCs. It’s been easier once my babies are 3-4 months old and don’t need as much support to hold their heads up, but this is the method I use. Using a top that has easy nursing access makes it even simpler.
@shela710 Ooooh I don’t know why I didn’t think of this as an option. My little is still too small to go in my ergo baby (I don’t have the insert) but this may work in a few weeks!
@mynameisjim If you love your Moby wrap you might also like woven wraps, which have much more longevity as your little one grows.

I was able to breastfeed pretty well (and very discreetly) in the woven wrap when it was tied in a Front Cross Carry - very easy to lower for feeding and then raise again when finished.
@mynameisjim Pretty much any established woven wrap brand should be ok. The material (fiber and weight) are more important than the brand - for a starting wrap you'll most likely want something in 100% cotton in a mid- to lightweight weave (around 220 gsm) though if you want to use it with your toddler too I'd go for something a little heavier.

I will say Lenny Lamb fabrics are super soft even brand new, and some other brands may need breaking in. Buying used is a good option (cheaper and already broken in for you!) but it can be harder to accurately find out the material, weight, and size.

I had a nice time learning about woven wraps and shopping for my first one (and then using it!), hope you do too!
@mynameisjim I am 5'4 and 107lbs and found that the Ergobaby embrace was ridiculously easy to nurse in. It's so simple to let the strap out slightly on one side while wearing it to get him in a good position to nurse and super simple to pull it back tight again when he's done. My husband didn't even notice when I was nursing him, that's how smooth it was.
@mynameisjim I love my ring sling for nursing in the go. I usually only feed one side per "meal" and just pop her in the carrier on the side that is next due for feeding. When she's hungry, loosen/lower, feed, then tighten back up to carry position.

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