Birth at 38 weeks?


New member
I’m currently 35+5 and really hoping to make it to 38+. Just wanted to hear how many of you guys have gone to 38+0 or more? And did you have a pretty smooth pregnancy?
Obviously this question is probably only for di/di twins since I think the other types aren’t allowed to go that far.
@quaheem Delivered via C at exactly 38 weeks. Babies probably would have stayed in longer if left alone and I really had no signs of labor. I had a super easy pregnancy, no complications just breech babies that were comfy. Babies were both 6lbs 2oz at delivery and were super healthy. The last month sucked but it was worth it for good strong babes, you got this!
@djames Nearly exactly same. No labor signs or symptoms. Both breech and happy. I could have gone to at least 40 weeks. Easy pregnancy. Babies born via C at 38+0. 6lb 12oz and 6lb 14oz. Both healthy and no one needed NICU at all.

OP, it all seems so important but I'm a year, you'll have healthy babies and the over under om gestation will be so distant, it won't really matter. Congratulations and enjoy it as best you can!
@djames Same! C-section at 38+2, with both twins over 6lbs. They were breech the entire pregnancy. During the pregnancy, I did have gestational diabetes, but otherwise it was generally smooth and it never got so bad I had to treat it (just had to test my blood sugar 4x a day). The C-section and recovery for me was not bad at all - felt like something I'd be ok with if I had to do it regularly. Like I'd rate way better than the molar extraction surgery I had.
@djames This was basically me, except I was 37 + 2, was a scheduled c section due to babies measuring 10th percentile on scans. But I honestly think they would have stayed there until 38-40 weeks or so and semi wish I had waited to see since it was my first pregnancy and I would have liked to try naturally looking back. I did have some weird abdominal twinges that could have been the start of contractions, but I don't actually know. My baby girls gave me a super easy pregnancy, no complications, were breech, but were born at 5lbs 9oz and 5lbs 10oz. Bigger than we were expecting by how the ultrasound doctors were making us feel. Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly!!! Do you have a scheduled c section or are you hoping for natural?
@quaheem 38+0 here. The scheduled C-section was sooooo chill. We got up to our room, we were able to drop off all our stuff before the procedure, it was like checking into a hotel. My wife never even had a contraction.
@sarrapin That was mine too. I got to do my hair and pack everything. It felt like we were going on vacation to get a baby hahah
Never felt a contraction either
@sarrapin She might have had one and just never felt it. The day I went in to the hospital I was hooked up to a monitor and sat there for a little bit. The nurse asked me “did you feel that?” and I asked what she meant. We got to watch my contractions on the screen and she kept saying “ok but what about that one?” The doctor explained my uterus was so stretched out to the max that was why I couldn’t feel it. My best friend had a singleton who was overdue and had the same experience. Her one baby wasn’t as big as my two combined.
@quaheem Hello & congrats!! I had my di/di boys at 38+2. Pregnancy was extremely wonderful except for a couple early months of morning sickness. Recovery from the births was also so amazingly quick and easy. But I was in labor 4 days and ended up delivering twin A vaginally & twin B via c-section 😳
@jackie789 Oh no that’s my fear that I deliver one vaginally and then the other flips and I have to do a c section! If you had to go back in time do you wish you would’ve just chosen a c section?
@nafia Yes I would've just gone with a scheduled c-section but only cause the ordeal, plus waking up with only one baby (twin B went to nicu), plus other stuff landed me in PTSD therapy! But otherwise, I am glad I got to experience a vaginal delivery cause it was awesome. I feel like I can do anything after going through that 🤗 our bodies are insane!
@jackie789 This almost happened to me. My baby b was a little stubborn. Ultimately I didn’t have to have a C-section but then my next babe I had was a C-section. Every baby and experience has its own story in to this big beautiful world!
@quaheem I delivered at 40+3. I don't live in the US and induction or c-section aren't pushed as much here.

While it was mentioned by my gynecologist that I would want to consider inducing or c-section at week 37/38, we also agreed that my pregnancy was without complications and the babies were still doing great. So I waited. Had some extra checkups and decided at 40+2 to give labor a bit of a kickstart since I was already dilated and mostly effaced. Delivered the next day and could go home 4 hours after delivery.

My babies weighed 8lbs 14oz and 7lbs 3oz.

Edit to add: baby B was in Frank breech position and baby A sunny side up but turned last minute to facing backward. Had both vaginally and labor was pretty great, done in 5 hours. They are di/di twins.