Bf has a big dick and I have c o n c e r n s


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I'm going to schedule a visit with a new gynecologist and more aggressively ask about this situation. A big concern of mine was the possibility of getting pregnant if it was possible to push into a uterus, because no lie it feels like that sometimes. But I guess it's just my vag stretching around. Thanks to everyone for your input

I have had a kyleena IUD for maybe 3 years, and have not had many issues with it. However, my new boyfriend is 9+ and we have FREQUENT and PASSIONATE intercourse. He claims to be able to feel the IUD, and believes he is pushing into my uterus and ejaculating directly into it at times. I would be lying if I said it didn't feel like he was getting that deep. I don't really have a good understanding of if what he's saying is even possible, but if they claim an IUD is 99.9% effective or whatever, does that cover big dicks with bigger egos??

Edited to say that our sex can be pretty hardcore to the point I'm in intense pleasure/pain and I may bleed some after or have really bad cramps. Also to be CLEAR this is all consensual, we are 27 and 28, I grew up super sheltered and am still learning things about the human body even though I am quite experienced. We dabble in some BDSM stuff, and I thought reddit was friendly towards that kind of thing? Not sure why people are being a bit weird about it tbh.

Also, I have had a LEEP surgery so my strings are very short from getting taken with the piece of cervix, so there's that as well. I've also had an ultrasound in the past 6 months and see my gyno every now and then to make sure it's still in place. I've kind of been brushed off when I've asked her this question before, so that's why I turned to reddit.

And I know claiming to actually be the woman here means nothing, but jfc this is a legit question I want education on. Sorry that I have concerns about sex with someone larger. My conservative ass family taught biology not pleasure 🙄
@earldumarest Penises can't penetrate the cervix. Full stop. The cervix basically doesn't even have a detectable width of the opening and the entire external part that can be felt is like the size of a dime, much smaller than the girth of a penis. It would be like trying to push a banana through a drinking straw - not gonna happen. Also, if a penis ever did get directly inside the uterus - ouch, the infection!

I'm sorry the gyno brushed you off. I can imagine she's rolling her eyes internally at the big dick big ego phenomenon because she knows it's physically impossible, but she should realize not everyone gets a good education about anatomy and it could be a legit question. However if the IUD has been checked and is in place, it will be effective.
@earldumarest Girl if he could get into your uterus, you would be in so much pain every time y’all have Intercourse. The cervix doesn’t open for anything and everything. You’ll be fine
@earldumarest Please stop forcefully injuring your cervix, not only can it misplace your IUD due to any swelling/trauma, but you can also develop a mirage of infections if you are opening up old wounds.
@earldumarest it shouldn’t. it may be beneficial to use lubricant, or the IUD may be dislodged, or you’ve been put in an uncomfortable sex position to which he is jabbing your cervix.
@earldumarest No offense but I think your boyfriend watches too much porn. There is no way he’s entering your cervix. If he were you would get the feeling if having your iud inserted x100. He’s probably just feeling your cervix
@earldumarest The cervix stays pretty much closed unless opened by equipment or childbirth. Your boyfriend cannot enter your cervix, and if he could, you’d be in pain.
@earldumarest My husband is well-endowed, and has hit the strings from mine at certain angles. Especially at first he said it felt like a wire lol but that’s all he can feel. All we have to do is switch positions and we’re good.
@earldumarest You have a completely wrong understanding of your anatomy. The cervix sits in the center of the vagina, only around 3-4.5 inches deep-depending on where you are in your cycle. You can easily feel the cervix with the tip of your finger if you're curious. Your boyfriend would have to have an astronomically small penis as skinny as a toothpick to be able to enter your cervix. A penis either hits the surface of the cervix or continues in front of, or behind the cervix when penetrating the vagina. The only thing he could possibly be feeling is the strings of the IUD, or possibly the plastic of it if it has moved out of place.
@earldumarest Your boyfriend is funny... and more than a bit silly. There is no way he can open up your cervix with his penis. It just doesn’t work that way. Even if you had his sperm in your womb, it wouldn’t impact the effectiveness. The hormonal IUD prevents ovulation. Dicks, even big ones, can’t make you ovulate lol! Check the strings every now and then to be sure it’s still there... but honestly, you shouldn’t have any problems.
@earldumarest Hold up, I'm pretty sure some of you in the comments have never had intercourse with a well endowed partner. Having sex with mine can sometimes lead to some light bleeding, meaning a drop or so. It also doesn't sound impossible to get off from pain or from the thought of it, nor does it sound unnatural to have cramps afterwards, happens to me too after some rougher sex or when the deed lasts longer than usual. My experience comes from sex with an 8 inch penis (20cm), so a similar experience from a 9+ inch penis doesn't sound that off.
@earldumarest You say the strings were cut short, I think this could be the problem?

They are meant to be cut with enough length that the string wraps around your cervix but when they are short, they stick out instead. I had a similar problem with my IUD.

Maybe try to feel up there yourself and see if you can feel them sticking out? They can feel really strong so that may be why he thinks it's the actual IUD.

Im pretty sure the only real way he could feel the IUD is if it's dislodged so maybe seeing ur doctor and having and examination might be the best way to go.
Also, you shouldn't be bleeding in sex ever (unless it's period related). Please see your doctor and make sure it's sitting in there right!
@utvols345 Thank you so much for your input!! Weirdly enough I can't feel the strings at all. I got an ultrasound a few months ago to make sure it was in place, and do periodically get checked to be sure it's not dislodged, and my gyno always seems to think everything is fine. But I'll bring up the bleeding next time for sure.
@earldumarest Sex should not hurt or make you bleed. If my boyfriend hits my cervix which happens often as he is also well-endowed, I say something and we stop for a moment for the pain to go away. But I definitely don’t think you need to be bleeding or pain from sex.

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