Bf has a big dick and I have c o n c e r n s

@earldumarest His dick isn't touching your IUD. Your IUD is in your cervix which doesn't get opened by penises. He's touching the strings. Bleeding from sex isn't normal and IUD's dont "scrape" from sex and cause you to bleed. You need to talk to your partner n gyno and see if that's normal.
@earldumarest Do a Google search of the female body and look at a illustration made from the side. Might help to also include smt along the lines of "what happens during intercourse to the female body". The uterus kind of branches off (hard to describe with no image) from where the penis is inserted during intercourse so it's impossible for a penis of any size to reach the uterus. The reason why we think the uterus is at the end of the tunnel is because the illustrations we are shown are front view only, take a look at the side view. I don't really have the lingo for this anatomy talk but I hope it helped! Make sure to look at the illustration
@earldumarest The IUD vs big egos made me laugh!

He is most likely feeling the strings of the IUD or your cervix. It's possible but very unlikely he could be feel the iud, this would only happen if it has shifted enough to partially on the other side of your cervix, you'd likely be having more issues if this were the case though.

He needs to be shown or had some anatomy explained to him. He isn't pushing through your cervix when you have sex. I don't doubt that he could be hitting your cervix, this can definitely be painful and could be causing the cramping afterwards.

Since you mentioned the LEEP, are you still getting followed and checked regularly? The bleeding could be related to abnormal cervical cells. It could be something like minor like cervical ectropion or something more problematic. Either way, if you haven't been checked lately, it's a good idea to go back! Some questions to consider that may help identify the cause >>> Have you had this issue with any other partners? Does size seem to be a factor? Is is more common in certain positions than others? Do you use lube? If yes, is it possible that it could be irritating you internally (same applies to condoms)? If no, consider trying using it. Even a small about of irritation or excessive friction can cause microtears.

I've had issues with bleeding and cramping after sex because I have a cervical ectropion. I've also got an abnormally tilted cervix and likely uterus so position is definitely a factor. Big dicks definitely make those issues more likely because they're more likely to hit my cervix. Just more vigorous sex in general can do it haha.

It's certainly not time to freak out, but definitely get stern with your doctor. There are other possibilities too, like ovarian cysts.

Feel free to ask me anything! If I think of anything else I'll come back and update my post.
@earldumarest I dated a fellow once that was quite large, and the sex was very painful. The cervix is a very sensitive part of the body and bleeding during sex isn't normal. If he somehow burst through your cervix (I've never heard of anything like this happening before, I'm not sure if it's possible), especially if you have an IUD, you'd be in such crippling pain that you'd be unable to move and begging to go to the ER for some morphine. I recommend checking your IUD after sex to make sure it hasn't dislodged, because the cervix is the only thing between that dong and your uterus. If the IUD gets knocked out of place, it can cause complications and needs to be removed and/or replaced immediately.

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