Best burping methods


New member
My 2 weeks old has a lot of trouble burping sometimes and it’s causing her gas and I hate to think and hear that she’s uncomfortable. So I need the best tips n tricks to helping baby burp. I sit her on my knee and hold under her chin while I pat n rub her back. I’ve also done over the shoulder burping which hasn’t been successful.
@ricard Over the shoulder, with both hands over your shoulder. I rub upwards, don’t pat.

Sometimes it is also just time - my baby makes an ‘eh eh’ sound and we put him upright sitting, holding or over shoulder for a few minutes without patting.
@valx Thank you imma have to correct her positioning on that one because every time I do that method I don’t think her hands are over my shoulder. She curls up a lot.
@ricard My husband found a youtube video that has been a game changer. I can't find it, but basically it's this:
  1. Lift baby up and down (like chest height to overhead) 5 times - this is crucial
  2. Place in seated position but leaning forward at a 45 degree angle with one hand supporting chin and chest (we do this on the changing table with a burp cloth laid down
  3. Pat the lower part of the back 10 - 15 times firmly but slowly (not fast pats, like one per second)
Repeat 3 times. The second time pat the middle of the back. The third time pat the upper back.