Being a SAHM when you’re sick is impossibly hard


New member
I’ve come down with something and it has knocked me on my ass. I walk to the kitchen and I am so exhausted it feels like I may faint. I have an almost 5 year old son who is very attached to me. He doesn’t like to do anything on his own. Even if he’s watching TV or playing a game on my iPad he has to be on or under or intertwined with me. It’s hard enough to get anything done when my husband is at work and I’m at 100%, but when I’m sick- forget it. He wants so badly for me to throw him into his bean bag or play pirates but good god I can’t even make myself a sandwich without being tanked. I hate breaking his sweet little heart but mama needs a down day. Thankfully I got some extra sleep this morning while my husband had him. But man. I don’t know how y’all do it.
@iampaul24 It's entirely ok to tell him that you're sick and you're going to be doing things differently today. Learning compassion and flexibility with people who, for whatever reasons, don't match his expectations of them is a life skill. Today is all about getting through the day however you can. Maybe today he needs to bring you a juice box and some crackers.

Feel better soon!
@iampaul24 I firmly believe there should be some kind of service that you can pay to come in and look after your kids while you are sick. And they also look after you like bring you soup and make sure the kids stays away from you.

My kids were sick earlier in the week and after getting all worn out from taking care of them I've now succumbed but they are feeling just well enough that they are getting bored of excessive screen time. Couldn't send them to school or daycare (I work part-time) earlier because they are sick but by God did I need a good rest but didn't get it. I had to work wed-fri I WFH we'd and frid and in the office on thurs. On Wednesday my boss told me to finish up at lunch and rest while the kids weren't home as it was my only chance. I did and WFH Thursday to keep my germs to myself. Not having to commute and working extra on Friday I managed to make up the hours (used all my sick leave taking care of sick kids none left for me).

I'm absolutely exhausted. Not sure if my kids have rebounded or caught something new. I know I'm not over whatever it is. We're all snotty and miserable abd my husband is out helping his dad today. I'm behind on laundry and chores and I just want someone to come so I can sleep. I don't care if they come in full PPE/HAZMAT suits. I just need a break.

TL/DR: being sick as a mum is the worst. No one lots after you and you still have to look after kids
@iampaul24 Have your husband take a day off work to care for the kid. It will help him attach to his child and allow you to rest. Hubby needs to pull his weight (remember in sickness and in health).
@iampaul24 Do you have a neighbor who can come by and help get him food, etc?

My mom was a SAHM. We moved states away from family. She also went through bouts of illness. We were a busy family, and were lucky to have elderly neighbors and neighbors with kids.

When my mom was ill, we’d (the kids only) spend a few hours at the neighbor’s house, have dinner there, etc.

She’d return the favor with their kids, or we would all go and visit for celebrations and enjoy time together later.

Perhaps a neighbor wouldn’t mind coming by for a few hours to make a sandwich and make sure your son’s okay while you rest.

This is the time where a village is really handy. And, it’s a reminder to make one if one’s not readily available.