Bathtime Tip - just buy the chair!!!


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You might think ‘oh it’s just another THING we will have to eventually get rid of!’

But when your baby outgrows the cute still infant tub and learns they can stand up and the edge of the tub is the PERFECT height to practice standing! And then you are stuck trying to wash little pieces of broccoli out of all those chins while also trying to make sure this slippery wet baby who has zero balance doesn’t fall over.

Just buy the chair. It’s 1000000000% worth it.

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Name: Summer Infant My Bath Seat, White/Teal, One Size

Company: Summer Infant

Amazon Product Rating: 4.6

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@doug62 We got a nonslip bath mat for $10. Baby lays on it til he’s washed, then he sits up and plays while the water drains. Works great. He’s about to turn 1 but very mobile and the size of a 2 year old
@ruben145 I really thought he would hate it because he too hates being strapped into anything… but he seems to actually enjoy it. I think because it’s not too confining and he can actually focus on playing with toys.
@doug62 Ok this is funny because I actually just got rid of my chair because my baby was standing up in it! I felt like she was safer in the tub with a nonslip mat standing than trying to stand in a bath chair. We did love the chair for the time between the infant bath thing and standing. :)
@windinmysails Oh wow - yeah we got the grey one too cause it was a few dollars cheaper… cause I honestly didn’t care what color it was. Also it comes plastered in safety stickers that don’t come off… so who cares what color it is.
@doug62 My almost 10 month old (60%ish weight/height) still fits in her infant tub (I guess it’s a large one), and I’m using it until she outgrows it or starts trying to get out of it. I don’t look forward to when I have to actually use the tub since I hate bending… how do you comfortably bathe your baby? I have one of these seats too, for when she outgrows the infant tub.
@yourstruly1 My son is 10 and half months - we ditched the infant tub a while ago cause he was trying to climb out of it all the time. We have a memory foam mat to kneel on next to the tub… but it’s still a lot of bending over. But since he’s pretty secure in the seat I don’t feel like I have to hover around him as much so I can just kind of sit next to the tub and let him play. Also since he’s been in the seat he will actually let me brush his teeth at bathtime too. (he currently has 6)
@doug62 That makes sense! My girl tries to climb into the bath, but not out so far. She’s very content in there lol. That’s a lot of teeth! My babe only just got her first two teeth a month ago. She loves when I brush her teeth. All babies are different of course! It is fun to share our experiences. That’s a good idea about having a foam mat under you, and I will for sure do that! How do you clean his genitals? I’m sure I’m overthinking it, but it’s even awkward (as in somewhat difficult) doing it in the infant tub.
@yourstruly1 Hahaha he tried to climb into the tub when he’s not in it and out of it when he is in it… such a fun age. They chair is pretty roomy and he’s not strapped it or anything so there is plenty of room with get a washcloth to all the body parts.