Baby was born early and the new born size 0 diapers are tiny bits too big


New member
Still patiently waiting for babes to grow a little bits in order to fit into the cloth diapers finally.

So excited to use them & afraid at the same time, since I have been using regular diapers for the past two weeks due to baby being tiny tiny tiny :/

I hope she and us can make the switch super easy without issues. Bc I really got a bug chunk of stash ready to go :]

How did you do the transition?
@benstiller12 I used disposables for the first 3 months with my first. With my second I think I will just use disposables the first 2-4 weeks depending on how I’m feeling when my husband goes back to work!
@benstiller12 I had two preemies (twins) and it was no big deal when we switched over. The biggest thing we had to figure out was changing them every two hours at a maximum because they kept soaking through their cloth diapers. Also, take lots of pictures because they look like cute little pears when they're super tiny and have their big fluffy cloth diapers on! It's adorable.
@benstiller12 We went straight from disposables to Alva pockets at 7 weeks and she didn't even notice. The change was relatively easy for us and we've used 2 disposables since (she's 11.5months now) and we hated them! We will use disposables when we go on long camping holidays but they smell soooo bad!
@benstiller12 You'll see comments on people being worried their babies won't roll etc but my bub rolled quite early back to front and has had no issues standing and learning to walk. All our parents wore cloth and they can walk 🤷

You've got this mumma!
@benstiller12 We use pocket diapers, so the transition was easy! We didn’t use the newborn size (Alva) until week 3, but I’m glad I got them. We used that size until week 12 or 13 when we switched to the One Size.
@fez I have Nora’s baby diapers pocket ones. And I really like those from (hahaha) looking at them and imagining her little body in those

I think I also have Alva diapers to be fair !

And lots of cotton pre folds (which I will use for the pockets as well)

I’m just so excited to use them once she grows big enough
@benstiller12 Congrats on your little one ❤️ my girl was tiny also, once she got over like 6 lbs I tried 1x/day to make the nb sizes work and if they leaked or we had a blowout I knew that day wasn’t the day. I believe kangacare nb sizes go down to 4 lbs but I didn’t have those on hand at the time.