Baby is waking up every 30 minutes at night

@derrickolley I usually start trying to get her to sleep around 10-11pm. Some times I’ll lay in bed with her at that time of night and she’ll stay asleep, I just haven’t been doing that this week because my husband is working late and I’ve wanted to spend time with him. I’ve had a hard time with getting her to sleep when I’m not in the bed with her at night. Another commenter suggested I wake her up earlier to get her nap/wake cycles started sooner and I’m considering doing that. Also she some times will just completely refuse to go to sleep at all at night until both my husband and I are not just in bed but lights out going to sleep.
@paprikka I’m having similar issues (although not quite every 30 min) with my 8 month old son. I have found that starting his “bed time routine” around 6:30 - 7 has helped to wind him down. We do bath after he has dinner, then bottle, book (if he lets me get through it), and music. Then he usually falls asleep about 7:30. He’s slept much better this way.

He still wakes a lot through the night, but he’s like half awake / delirious, and it’s usually easy to get him back to sleep.
@paprikka No advice, but solidarity that you’re not alone. My 7m old little guy didn’t sleep well until 3 months, then at 4 months it was like a light switch bad sleep again which is when we started to do cosleeping on nights we couldn’t get him settled in his crib. Month 5 was great again. Month 6 was brutal, even cosleeping was rough because he’d flail around and thrash and smack us from like 1-4am. We got about 5 days, 2 weeks ago of lovely sleep. And then a few days ago back to no sleep. Like we put him down in his crib around 730-8 (would do later but he’s MAD by 7pm), he might last until 845-930ish before he’s up and we get him back down and again maybe 40 min at a time. And when he’s waking up he’s screaming like crazy. The last couple nights I just didn’t have the energy and willpower to try and put him back in his crib, once he was up the second time we were cosleeping. But again, even cosleeping im getting smacked around at 3am and his nighttime nursing is up. I can see the top teeth peeking out and he’s so eager to crawl, so I know he’s going through it right now.

We’ve tried Tylenol, Motrin, different sleep sacks, humidifier, brown noise, fan on and off, Playard vs crib, etc etc - nothing seems to make it consistent. I’ve definitely looked into ST when times get tough and I’m second-guessing our approach (I stg everyone I know sleep trains) but it still doesn’t feel like the right decision for us at this point. Hopeful for better sleep soon for the both of us!!
@erin8199 Our little guy just turned 12 months! We don’t bed share much anymore because he actually doesn’t sleep very well in our bed now, occasionally he’ll sleep from maybe 5-6am but for the most part he does better in his crib. I still primarily nurse to sleep though we’re considering night weaning soon. His normal sleep schedule is 8-3 and 330-730 with an easy transfer back to the crib. He has molars coming in the last couple weeks and we just moved so it’s been a little less predictable than it had been, but overall that’s his “normal”. Some nights we will wake up to him fussing and we’ll pause for a minute or two to see if he really means it, and often he’ll babble himself back to sleep, though it’s most common lately that we’ll still go rock him back to sleep. He just recently stopped guzzling a bottle down (after nursing) when he wakes at night so I suspect changes are coming for us soon and what he needs (and what we need) overnight. It’s been a long road but it’s ever changing! Somehow we survive it and somehow I’m just about ready for baby #2.
@erin8199 FYI - in the last 9 days something changed (I can see a canine peeking through the gums and the bruising around his incoming molars is gone) and he’s sleeping from 8pm to 7am with no wakes. Funny how quickly it ebbs and flows!
@paprikka I never see this mentioned anywhere for babies specifically, but I bring my BB outside as soon as I can after first waking, into natural light. This sets the circadian rhythm (which resets every day) to understand day and night. That's the simplest explanation, anyway.

Whether BB wakes at 6AM or 11AM, BB benefits and their body starts tuning into nature's cycles.

Of course, don't let BB stare at harsh sunlight; a hat is a great idea, and cover their skin as is appropriate for sunny or chilly days. Don't fry or freeze your baby, just introduce them to sunlight and fresh air. Ten to fifteen minutes would be super, but even one or two would help. Try not to overthink it :)

And yes, I'm sure there are other reasons BB is having odd hours, but this is something all humans can benefit from, including kiddos.
@paprikka I would try the jay Gordon night weaning method for cosleeping families. I have used it successfully with both my kids. Your daughter is definitely younger than the recommended age, but your milk will likely dry up in a month or two anyway, so you might as well try. Good luck and solidarity to you Mama!