Baby is barely taking bottles but eats 3 full meals a day

@max2800 Not trying to argue, just stating what pretty much any nutritional article shows regarding food before 1. I would recommend doing your own research independent of your pediatrician.
@makwheelie I’ve looked and that’s why I asked a wider audience because my nephew who is a month older is still only eating purées and eggs fed off a spoon. My baby feeds herself all of this. I’m getting a wide range of answers so we will keep looking into this and I will start trying new things. I’m just a FTM trying to figure this all out.
@max2800 It sounds like you're doing baby led weaning which is great. We also did this and skipped purees. We always offered formula first and then meals and we cut out formula at 1 and switched to 3 solid meals and 2-3 snacks with no issue.
@makwheelie Tried purées because I thought that was like “that first step” and I can use them still if we’re not home or somewhere where I can put food in front of her (rare) but she takes the whole thing from me and sucks it out herself like it was a gogurt. Then she stares at me like I forgot her food.
@max2800 Mama, you're doing great! Your kid is the goal not your nephew. You want to raise a healthy, independent eater—not someone who needs to be spoon fed. Check out r/babyledweaning and how to raise an intuitive eater by summer brooks. It sounds like you're stressing over natural progression, which I get with your child's past would be a concern. I say this out of kindness and in a gentle way, have you had any care for postpartum anxiety? It affects so many of us and with social media influencers it can be so much pressure to do things a certain way. Wishing you the best.
@chriscomplex Serve 3 healthy meals a day and then give a bottle an hour later. It was a pretty straight instruction. She’s not losing weight and she was a premie so we pay really close attention to growth
@max2800 Yeah, that’s ok and is kinda a matter of opinion. Some doctors worry more about babies who are slow to get on solids, and others worry about parents who try to save money on formula by prematurely feeding low quality solid food. But if your pediatrician told you that food should be the main source of calories at this age, I would find a new pediatrician.
@chriscomplex I have 3 boxes of formula in my pantry. I suspended my subscription because she hasn’t been using it. Money isn’t the issue (I’m not trying to be a dick about that). She’s just not drinking it

Edit. My clinic doesn’t have one pediatrician, they rotate for appointments so I’m not just dealing with one person. Multiple have told me to do this and know how it’s going and have approved.
@max2800 You're not understanding me. I'm supporting your pediatrican. Just saying that there are other pediatricians who will recommend formula/breastmilk before meals because they have different concerns.
@chriscomplex I apologize, I responded to a previous comment that was not very helpful and was a little abrasive. I don’t feel my pediatrician is coming at this for any other concerns than her health. We extensively went through her diet and while he was staunchly against purées, he was happy with what I was feeding her.
@max2800 All three of mine stopped taking bottle during the day at about 7 months. They got one for the night and one during the night.

At 12 months we switched to water instead of formula.
@max2800 Because formula is very specifically designed (like breastmilk) to meet the nutrition needs of infants which are different than the nutritional needs of adult or even an toddler. To me it seems very likely your baby missing nutrition essential to a baby because babies aren’t meant to live off adult food yet.

It sounds like you aren’t actually interested in hearing that though and just wanted to humblebrag about what a great eater you kid is, so in that case congratulations.
@regreb01 Seems to me like you haven’t looked at the rest of this post of me actively engaging with different peoples opinions and taking advice from it. While I’m always quite proud of my child, I’m looking for different opinions. All of these reactions are quite different. You were the only one that became condescending.
@max2800 My daughter was the same! From about 9 months old I was wondering how on earth I would keep up with bottles until a year! She was having about 12 ounces in 24 hours for a long time. Then she went up for a couple of weeks with teething and dropped off again to like 6 ounces when she got to 11.5 months. Weaning off bottles was easy for us.

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