Baby’s new pediatrician told us that formula has no nutritional value 😳


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Our baby boy is 7 months old. We changed his pediatrician recently because we were very dissatisfied with the former one as he used to give a lot of conflicting advice and had our baby do a lot of unnecessary tests “just to be sure” when our baby is perfectly healthy but simply on the smaller side.

We did a lot of research before landing on this new pediatrician. We were impressed by all the 5-star reviews on Google and thought that this is the doctor we want for our baby as all the reviews mentioned how attentive to baby’s needs this doctor is.

Yesterday we had a first visit for the doctor to see him for the first time before his 9-month checkup since he’s a new patient. The doctor asked me whether I was feeding him formula or breast milk. I said only formula. I did not have enough supply to sustain my baby, so at 3 months we started exclusively formula feeding. I grieved the end of my breastfeeding journey but made my peace with it and we were very happy with how things were going. My little one is happy and healthy and growing healthily and meeting all his milestones.

The doctor then asked me how much he’s drinking. I told him 25-30 ounces a day. He cautioned me to not give him too much to drink and that he should be getting more of his nutrition from solids as formula has no nutritional value and that if I keep going like this, my baby will end up anemic.

I was absolutely flabbergasted by what he said because I keep checking the internet and Reddit regularly to learn about other parents’ experiences and everything that I’ve read so far seems to be telling me that 25-30 ounces is absolutely reasonable for a 7-month-old and that a baby’s main nutrition comes from milk (either breast or formula) until he’s 1.

My little one also does not eat a lot of solid yet. I feed him a little purée that I make myself every day and he eats maximum 4-5 tiny spoons and then he’s done. I don’t force him as I read this can damage his relationship with food down the road, so I’m super careful about not forcing anything. I listen to my baby’s body and respect his cues.

So many other parents on Reddit have mentioned that it’s normal for babies to not eat actual full solid meals until even later, sometimes 8 or 9 months, one parent even mentioned 11 months. So I was really reassured by that as at the beginning I was stressing out a lot about why my baby was not eating more since his former pediatrician told us he should have been eating since he was 4 months old.

Since yesterday my mind has not been at peace. Am I doing something wrong? My intuition is telling me that this new pediatrician is wrong and that this was probably his way of shaming me for not breastfeeding. It is normal for my baby to not be eating full solid meals yet, right? And it is normal that most of his nutrition is coming from his formula, right? And formula IS absolutely nutritional, isn’t it? I am so confused at this point. 😞
@etolkk123 I’m a doctor. That doctor is being an idiot. I’m sorry you’ve had to put up with that and suggest you change paediatricians again, hopefully to someone who is less inclined to upset you. You are feeding your baby perfectly adequately.
@nhungthientai Since you’re a doctor, I wanted to ask you whether we should be giving multivitamin drops to a 7-month-old formula-fed baby? I’m already giving him iron drops but the doctor yesterday said just iron is not enough and prescribed another multivitamin that has iron and other vitamins as well but I’m skeptical as to whether my baby truly needs it.
@etolkk123 Hi, not a doctor but went through a similar line of questioning with my first: you do NOT need to give an otherwise healthy formula fed baby iron or any other multivitamin. Formula here has iron in it. BREASTFED babies run the risk of becoming anemic after 6 months. Formula similarly has all the vitamins they need at this stage.
@brynja Thank you! I had a hunch that I didn’t need the multivitamins. I am currently giving my baby 1ml of iron drops that his former pediatrician had prescribed. Am I potentially giving him too much iron?
@etolkk123 Did his former ped prescribe it based on signs of anemia or running lab work? If so, then I’d continue until you’re able to get in with a new pediatrician. I’m not a medical professional and so take what I say with a grain of salt, but if that wasn’t the case then he could be getting a high amount. You’d likely see that reflected in the form of constipation. You can check your formula can for how much iron is in it and compare that to the average recommendations IF the prior doc didn’t recommend it based on concrete factors.
@etolkk123 Jumping in because I was outraged at what your pediatrician said to you. What a dramatic thing for him to say—it is likely true you need more iron than what the baby is drinking but that doesn’t mean formula has no value (and breast milk typically has less iron than formula so I’m very confused by the way he phrased things).

I’ve been doing a lot of reading on iron because my baby is a preemie…so I am not a doctor but here is what I’ve learned.

Full term babies don’t need much added iron under 6 months of age because of stores from being in the womb. At 7 months, they do need to hit about 11-15 mg a day (I’ve seen different numbers in that range). You can add up how much your baby is getting from formula on an average day and see if there is a gap that needs to be filled via a supplement. It may not be that full 1ml.

ETA: not sure how much solids your baby is eating but should have included that above when saying to add up an average day—if eating cereals those are a lot
@etolkk123 It’s always strange for a non medical person to criticize a medically trained one but I feel like your doc is an idiot.

We’re at 30oz/day at 7 mo and he’s gaining weight, healthy and happy.

Again, not a medical professional by any means but I can see weight gain first hand.

That said, we are introducing purée currently with varying levels of success and will move to simple, single solids next.

You’re not alone in this and you have the right idea coming from an internet stranger.
@etolkk123 My baby was fed formula from birth. Literally never breastfed. She’s 13 months old now - if formula has no nutritional value, how is she still alive? Osmosis? Photosynthesis?

I would laugh in the doctor’s face if they said that to me since its so obviously incorrect!
@etolkk123 Formula is completely nutritional wtf?? That doctor is completely wrong. My baby along with plenty of others has been EFF since birth and grow and hit all their milestones. It is insane to suggest it doesn’t have nutritional value.