"bAbIeS aRe EaSy AfTeR 3 mOnThS"..


New member
Is such a freaking lie! Our little one has been nothing but combative; eating schedule is completely off and now she's not sleeping. People saying that 3 months is the magic mark is such a dick move. Why say something like that to someone who is sleep deprived and looking forward to a reprieve?!
@flowernbloom All babies, no matter what age, have "easy" and "hard" aspects to them.

A newborn for example cries all the time and constantly needs to be fed. That's the difficult part. But you know what? You can sit them somewhere and they aren't going to roll away or run off anywhere. That's kind of the "easy" part.

A toddler can play on their own an entertain themselves (usually), which is the "easy" part. But they can also walk around and get into stuff which is the "hard" part.

I've learned there really isn't an "easy" or "hard" age. Just different aspects that change and become more or less difficult :)
@flowernbloom There will always be struggles, just different struggles. My LO is 7.5 months and yes, we both get more sleep and feeding is better, but now she's screams all.day. due to development leaps and teething. Just a different type of hell haha. With that said, I am one of those people who found the newborn stage the hardest (which doesn't just magically end at 3 months lol). I wanna let you know that even with different struggles I think as time passes, we just become better parents with better bonds and more self-trust. Maybe we just become more used to struggling through everything lol. But whatever it is, you'll make it through and you'll be awesome!
@flowernbloom Babies are kind of awful; anyone who says they are easy is either one of those people who magically loves babies and/or has/had an easy baby. Solidarity! I don't think it actually gets better until they're toddlers, but the good news is that - on the sleep front - once they're 4+ months you can look into sleep training if you want.
@flowernbloom Yup.
Me with a 1 month old: "Damn I'm drowning."

Others: "Yeah the first 3 months are survival mode, it's the fourth trimester."

Me with a 4 month old: "This is still very hard, I get no breaks ever and the sleeping is still a nightmare etc, he's unhappy all the time."

Others: "Yeah the first 6 months are pretty tough. Then they get so much more fun!"

Me with a 6.5 month old (now): "I still wake up several times every night to put the pacifier back in his mouth. He's constantly cranky even though he can already move around by himself a little. I am legit boiling inside when I see people brag about their little angels sleeping through the night since 4 weeks and always being in a good mood. Or at least I'm constantly thinking about that one person who a few months ago said their newborn sleeps through the night but they still feel like they don't have any me time."

Others: "Yeah the first year is kinda rough. After that they're so much more independent and fun!"

Just be honest, it will never get better, will it? Well better yes but I will never sleep again or have a moment to take a shit in peace or have any time for myself or NOT have to listen to constant crankyness until he's 18 years old, right?
@flowernbloom Mate, this is so relatable. My little dude is almost 4 months and he's been so ridiculously unsettled with sleeping and grumpy all the time. Such a riot.

He is my second and I've decided I much prefer the toddler stage because for the most part they go to sleep when told, eat their food, and communicate pretty well. And they're pretttyyy funny.
@flowernbloom 100% this. I was devastated when things got harder instead of easier for us after being told over and over again that everything gets sooo much better after the newborn stage. Every baby is different! As much as I adore our son, between 2-9 months was honestly just an awfully difficult time for us. He slept waaaay worse at 7 months than he did as a newborn. It may be that it eventually gets better, but there is absolutely no telling when that will be because it is wildly different for everyone! We definitely had a shift for the better at 10 months with getting more sleep but it's still freaking hard during the day when the molars are coming in...
@flowernbloom I don't think it ever gets easier to be honest. I think once they sleep through the night it gets more manageable but that's different for every baby. Mine didn't sleep through until 6 months. Now she's 10 months and I know her patterns, I can usually preempt her meltdowns and I can handle everything better now that I'm well rested. So yeah, sorry! It is hard but it will get more manageable...probs not by 3 months though!
@flowernbloom Honestly, there is no end in sight for when things get easier. You just get smarter and start to learn your kid till the next day, week, or month they decide to flip the game on you. Then you relearn and move forward till the next. I will say once they learn to communicate better with what they need or want, it gets a sliver tiny bit better. Good luck & I’m sure you’re doing a great job.
@flowernbloom So sorry that is your experience. I’m sure people who say that come from a good place.

I truly wish you could experience what we do. Yes the 12 week / 3rd leap is rough but we saw so much development in our baby.
@flowernbloom I figured that babies get harder the older they get because they need more entertainment and are awake longer.

I’m dreading my baby getting to the age where he’s mobile because I’ll most likely be running around constantly trying to keep up with him.

Sometimes I wish babies stayed in that easy newborn stage forever lol
@itsredd_mrrh3 Ya cuz my baby only cries when he’s hungry which is every 3-4 hours. And at night he sleeps for five hour stretches. Other times he’s either sleeping or just hanging out and enjoying life.

Idk, my baby is just super easy to take care of and I thought that was always normal with the first kid?