@chaotika God yes, the garlic. I
love garlic. The other night hubs made a marinade for meat with lots of garlic in it... I can still smell it. I've bleached the damn counter and sink and I can smell garlic. UUUGH. haha!!
And sure, happy to chat about the LowP! I think it's something I've always had, since my first MC was at 17 and I've had them up through a few weeks ago. Last one was 3/10. And yep, I'm 31, nearly 32.
But as I understand it, anybody can have LowP. My mom didn't, she had 2 pregnancies total and both were successful (me + my brother), and no history of MCs in my family at all. Just me.
I've always had crazy periods (I have PMDD, runs in my family) with huge blood clots, but they were always unpredictable. Like, 2 weeks between. Or maybe 5 weeks between. And I have low BP and super-low cholesterol. And I'm always cold.
So I've pretty much had all the signs & symptoms of LowP my entire life. I seriously recommend asking for the supps if you even
think you might have LowP. Ask for the CD22 bloodwork to check your levels and ask for the supps at the same time, if you have the signs of LowP. Per my OB you would have a very, very hard time adding in too much progesterone, so they tend to err on the side of caution and prescribe the supps to be safe.
And bonus? They're free!!! Progesterone is considered birth control. hahaha!!!