B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

@johnboy99 That's exactly what we've done, weeded the front garden and repotted some more seedlings :) topped off with a visit to ikea where I've spent far too much money on things I didn't really need but had to have! Hope you have an amazing weekend hun xx
@johnboy99 I had my 6 week ultrasound yesterday and the tech couldn't get a heartbeat yet. I know it's too early and even if I did hear it I'd probably be freaking out about something else anyway.

Fingers crossed!
@yscp Thank you!!! :D

I really, really hope it is. I don't even care about getting even fatter or being uncomfortable or puking a lot. As long as this kiddo is healthy and happy, I am thrilled. =)
@henri Aww thanks chels!! :D I pretty much did. I couldn't contain myself so I went out with the dogs last night & ran around like an idiot, grinning. haha!!
@johnboy99 I remember reading about your journey in one of your posts. Could not be more thrilled for you! :)

Quick question I didn't see on the sidebar - Why exactly is Mucinex beneficial while TTC?
@barkingstar Aww thank you! =)

Mucinex helps increase cervical mucus, and it tends to cause your body to produce fertile CM (egg white or watery). So it's helpful to take that around your fertile window, since it gives sperm a happier medium to swim through. =) Just make sure if you do mucinex, you do the kind that has only guafenasein or whatever it is. No other ingredients!