Awkward pregnancy sex


New member
I can't be the only guy that's experiencing this. My wife is almost 6 months pregnant and prior to the pregnancy we had a pretty active sex life, - 4 to 6 times a week with the occasional lull but always satisfactory for both of us. Fast forward to the present and we've had sex 3 times in the last 3 months and it's just not the same. Whether it's me thinking about the baby inside of her, her different shape, or just the awkard positioning (i.e. missionary is just not working, doggy style isn't comfortable, and the mountain climber doesn't feel the same), sex is just not as enjoyable.

... logic tells me that this should be ok, that this too will pass. Am I right? TIPS!? What can I do to help ensure that this will not continue and ideally get better sooner than later? Anybody else have a similar story?

Update - Thanks for all the responses everyone, great feedback and support. Knowing that this is somewhat 'normal', I'll keep a positive frame of mind and do my best to support her through this and keep up the communication.
@angelina70 Had this exact same problem with my wife. It's vital that you talk about what's going on. In my case, it was about the baby just being right there, in the way - and it wasn't about her being unattractive or desirable at all (just the opposite!). We just could not work out the logistics! Unfortunately, we had a reaaaallllyyy long dry spell, but since we kept communication up, everything was ok...not ideal, of course, but ok. Just something to work through, and realize it is only temporary! IT DOES PASS, promise!

Kid fell out last week, so now we're waiting for her to heal up ;)
@angelina70 Prior to getting pregnant, my wife and I had a very active sex life. Here were are, our due date is this weekend and we've had sex 3 times total. This pregnancy (my first, her third) was just so rough on her, sex was the last thing on her mind, save for those 3 times. I personally did not find that her being pregnant was a turn off or I was worried about our baby. She just feels uncomfortable.

Talk to your wife though and let her know you still find her sexy. IF you do have sex, try on the side or in the shower, bent over...those were our goto positions. Patience pays off!
@angelina70 Don't listen to the "only 3 months left" thing.

A baby is on the way. Then you get to wait 6 more weeks, at least.

But yes, you're normal. It happens. It changes things.

Hang in there. Be patient. Support her. It comes back to help you in the end when the 3 months and 6 weeks are over. Trust me...I'm 7 weeks past the birth. :D
@maryh How imperative is the 6-week wait time anyway? It seems like an arbitrary number that they just throw out, and a good number of people have anecdotally had sex before then, so how bad is it really to not wait the full 6w? (For context, I'm pregnant and we're both young and horny- which is why I'm pregnant in the first place.)
@sophiew41 I think they've probably just figured out that 6 weeks is the safe number. My wife didn't fully enjoy it at 6 weeks. She was still sore and tender at that point. I think it was around 8 weeks when it became comfortable for her.

I'm sure you're right - everyone is different. But nonetheless, I'm assuming the 6 week time is average wait time for people to not be in pain and discomfort. my experience, there's not a lot of thinking about sex during the first 6 weeks of having a baby home.
@angelina70 I kept reading about how the woman will be all horny and raring to go.

Nope! It's been a tough pregnancy and sex is pretty low on the agenda.