At the point of wanting to burn my ring sling


New member
My beautiful hope&plum ring sling I have spent so much money on and SO much time trying to figure out. I’ve watched the tutorials, I did the consult with Mallory, I paid for a consult with a local babywearing expert, I practice putting my baby in like 4-5 times a day. I would say three times or so I’ve gotten her in and felt good. She gets so crooked. She’s so squirmy. Her arms bulge out in weird ways and no matter how long I spend threading the fabric it’s really hard to tighten in sections properly. Then she spits all over me and the sling right when I’m getting frustrated. Help 😭 will it get better as my baby gets older (she’s 4 months)? I am torn between giving up and moving on but I’ve invested so much into this lol…the hope&plum folks make it seem SO EASY, their docile little babies just pop into the slings in their videos. I want this for me! I also just don’t find the SSCs as cozy for wearing baby around the house. Did anybody else have a lightbulb moment where it clicked? Is the h&p hemp blend not as forgiving as people make it out to be?

Edit: THANK YOU everybody, I officially feel way better and less alone in my ring sling struggles! Gonna hang it up and try again in a few months 😊
@blessedj316 I liked my ring sling when my little was a week old potato at the 4th of July parade who just ate and slept and sat super high on my chest. Once she woke up and got squirmy, It didn't feel secure anymore. I might try it again once she gets a little more comfortable on my hip. She's a bit small for a hip carry at 3.5months, but has the head and torso control.
@blessedj316 I found it easier when my LO had great head and torso control and could do a hip carry with both arms out (~5.5m).

I would put it away for now and try again in a few weeks.

Good luck!
@blessedj316 Yes, this!! I barely used it when they were small but it's THE BEST for quick up and downs once you can do a hip carry. I have a 6 mo and a toddler and just this morning the toddler was just rambunctious enough that I didn't want to leave them alone together, so I put the baby in a sling to make tea, get the toddler his clothes, do all the little things at home.