@sunflower232 I just had an interesting discussion with several of my colleagues and friends. I’m a medical assistant I make about $23 an hour which is really good for my position. I work in orthopedic surgery with physician assistants and doctors. We all have kids different ages despite what Grey’s Anatomy says we live in normal houses eat food from Aldi and go to Walmart. I actually rent an apartment and the rent is $1255 comparable to a mortgage payment of an average house where I live. Every single one of us is struggling. My PA who put in 70 hours last week, and is married to a derm had to put their son in a normal daycare, and they can barely afford it. Nannies were way too much out of the budget and it’s hard to find a normal steady babysitter here. We literally bring lunches and share, we carpool when we can, and we share our budgeting tips.
I learned a lesson in humility, and that is that no matter what we do at whatever level people are struggling right now. I have student loans, they have student loans. They have a baby and get Costco diapers. I have a 12-year-old who needs a whole set of clothes for the school year this year because she’s super tall.
Yes, there are people in the medical field to make an absurd amount of money and live a life that I can’t imagine but I think for 85% of us, we are really going through the struggle. It reminds me to be supportive, check in and never judge a situation because I literally have no idea. Times are super hard right now when it comes to childcare, bills, working, and food, no matter what you do. We are having to make a really difficult decisions about how to balance, work, motherhood, and trying to keep a roof over our heads.