Are any of y’all considering moving out of the country?

I’m in the US.

While no country is perfect, I feel like there are others that have it a bit better (and safer).

I was thinking my parents home countries of Argentina and the DR. My bf brought up Sweden and Switzerland.

Are y’all considering moving?
@praiseyahweh4ever We go back and forth on Japan but will likely stay in the US unless things get significantly worse. Our biggest concerns right now are school shootings and education in general. We are considering home schooling but don't want to deprive the kids of social connection.

Both of us would've killed to be home schooled but don't know if our future child will feel the same way.
@shaddixmoon I’m also scared of school shootings.

What I like about Japan is the safety. I can let my kid be a kid and let them hangout with friends with little worry compared to the US.

However I’m worried about the Japanese academics and how it’s apparently very stressful. The high school you go to is determined by an admissions test you take in middle school if I remember correctly. There’s a lot of pressure to go to a good hs to get to a good college.
@praiseyahweh4ever Yes that's our concern about Japan as well. My fiance isn't as inclined to academics as I am, so if our kid takes after him they'd not do well in the Japanese school system (funny because he's the Japanese one).

I think a good compromise would be for them to go to school until they're old enough to decide if they want home school or not...but still I worry about shootings! I have that anxiety any time I go to a movie theatre or similar enclosed public space.
@shaddixmoon Same about the anxiety. It doesn’t prevent me from hanging out or leaving the house, but I am very aware of my surroundings in public.

I just randomly remembered that there are international schools in Japan, that may have a much more lax feel to it.
@praiseyahweh4ever I'm American, but an Australian Permanent Resident. My partner is Australian. At this point I can't imagine raising kids in the US. I miss my family and having kids far away from them would be hard. But I'm forever grateful to have improved access to healthcare, leave entitlements, and not having to stress about the possibility of our future kids being impacted school shootings

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