Apparently I should battle w/ my husband to name our baby


New member
Sounds stupid? Well that's what my grandma told me đź« 

Right now I'm pregnant with baby boy and I didn't have any strong feelings towards any male names, most of them just sounds okay. So when my husband told me that he would like to name baby after his grandfather, I was like "cool, let's do it".

But now my grandma tells me something like "the baby will have his surname, his patronimyc (father's name), and he also chosees the name? You should at least get the first name!!1! No, you MUST name the baby!!"

So now I'm thinking that we need at least duel for this opportunity, only question is: should we fight to the first blood or to the death?
@nicinc Duel to the death, name the baby Inigo Montoya so that in two decades he can confront you saying “Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. “
@nicinc Lol, this was us. I had strong feelings about my daughter's name, and we worked hard to compromise. But I honestly was totally fine with the name my husband proposed for our son. It's a cute name, will work well into adulthood, and has a family history to it. So no battle there, just a simple "ok I like that".
@nicinc Agreeing to your husbands name choice IS you naming the baby. If you’re happy-ignore her.

Why is she invested? It’s certainly not HER baby. And that’s what I would tell her if she brings it up again. “If you want to name a baby, go have one. We are happy with our arrangement.” And change the subject.

So she doesn’t get an opinion.
@pd7 Name suggestion. I don't get the vibe here that her husband insisted, sounds more like "I'd like this name" and a responding "ok that's fine with me". Barring some coercion we're not hearing about, this sounds like something nobody except the parents should have a decision about.
@nicinc This is why nobody in my family is finding out the name of my son until after the birth certificate is official. Other people’s opinions are so annoying to deal with!

One compromise if you want (only if YOU want, not because your grandma wants) is to choose a middle name from your family. We are also naming our son after my husband’s grandfather (I like the name so I’m all in favor) but we chose the middle name after my grandfather to honor both families. We would have been fine swapping the two as well, but the middle name is super trendy these days and we’d rather our son have the less popular name as a first name so he isn’t sharing it with a million kids in school.
@nicinc I agree that it sounds stupid.

FWIW, We are due in less than a week with our 3rd and likely final kid. I was wavering between our top two names - 50/50, 55/45 depending on the day. My husband was very much 90/10, 95-5 on which name he liked the best. We are going with his pick. I don't see the point in making it an argument if it needn't be, and both people are happy.
@nicinc Only way to do it is to duel at dusk, Bridgerton style.. Back to back, 15 paces, turn and shoot (not at them, of course. Just… in the general vicinity. It’s the gentlemanly thing to do, of course!)