Anyone else feel like it's a struggle to get baby out and about?

@kristih Yeah, I live in Northern Canada and we haven't been able to find any at all šŸ˜” we always ask whatever pharmacy we're near when we're out and about.

They have to keep it behind the counters now to prevent people from stealing. LO has been an absolute trooper teething wise but should he get sick, I'd hate not having something like baby Tylenol to help him out.
@ajay003 You can use liquid childrenā€™s acetaminophen ( Amazon Basic Care Children's Pain & Fever Oral Suspension Acetaminophen 160 mg per 5 mL, Grape Flavor, Fast, Effective Pain Reliever and Fever Reducer for Children, 4 Fluid Ounces ) and change the dosing for your childā€™s age, weight and height. You can ask your pediatrician for the appropriate dosage for your child.
@ajay003 Im in Ontario.. My 6 week old has covid now. Ended up with an ER trip.. wasnā€™t a great experience. Heā€™s on the mend now. Its annoying how you cant find much info on Covid here. I was trying to find some posts or info with similar situations and couldnā€™t..
@glow63 My 4 month old has COVID a few weeks ago. We are all at risk for respiratory issues due to an existing disability (OI). Oddly enough we had zero respiratory issues with COVID, including the baby. We all just felt crummy for about a day with a fever. The baby probably got it the most mild of us all. Iā€™m sorry your baby struggled so much. Unfortunately COVID, like so many viruses, is such a wild card.
@glow63 This is my worry, especially when so many ERā€™s are closing (I know in Ontario, Iā€™m unsure about the rest of the country). Like yea we have to ā€œlearn to liveā€ with covid, but Iā€™m not going to unnecessarily put my kid at risk because the risk is amplified when our healthcare system is in shambles currently.

Iā€™m glad your LO is doing better! Hoping for a speedy back to normal for you :)
@llewyllen My local hospital has been under immense strain.

The ER is closed basically all the time. When I gave birth I had to be transferred to another hospital 3 hours from home because there was no one for pain management should I have needed either an epidural (which I did) or c-section.

I'm in Alberta.
@ajay003 At 9 months I'd look into getting him vaccinated - I feel much better about my little being in daycare now he's had his shot, and I'll be looking at the Omicron booster in November.
@chpjoe Totally agreed. We kept baby home as long as possible (and totally hibernated all last winter when he was a newborn) but daycare was something we HAD to do. I feel MUCH better about it now that he's had his first 2 Pfizer shots (in addition to the rest). LO LOVES the grocery store/Target/etc and we'll probably still continue to do things like that this fall/winter, despite expected surges. For one, people don't get up and personal in stores. And I'd probably risk it for library shows, etc, especially if kiddo isn't otherwise getting some other child interactions, because the crowds at those things are usually pretty minimal.

FWIW, our kiddo is a 26 weeker who was on oxygen for his first 6 months - 3 in the hospital and 3 at home. I'm not at all against taking as many precautions as you feel are necessary. And our own calculations may change as the fall/winter pan out. But I think we're really trying to work on how to be careful, while also still living a life in the world. I still mask pretty often, we all get our shots as necessary, etc. I'm not comfortable with people who act like COVID is over - it's definitely not! - but I am trying to find ways to live with it.
@gisellemartinez1 100% how I feel.

We take him out to things, even the beach this past summer! But it's that fine line of what's going to be safe vs. How crowded an event may be which could put LO at a greater risk for covid.

Definitely trying to find ways to live with it, as you've said :) I'll definitely ask about Pfizer shots at his next vaccine appointment. Had no clue they were approved for under 5 years of age now! It would certainly make me feel better.
@ajay003 Definitely talk to your ped about the covid vaccines! Both Pfizer and Moderna have versions for under 5s now (P is 3 shots, M is 2) though they can still be hit or miss in trying to find them, depending on where you're located. The peace of mind is so worth it though!
@chpjoe I didn't know there was a vaccine for the Littles! šŸ˜±

Like, he's gotten all of his vaccines and I got both doses of the Covid-vaccine while I was pregnant šŸ¤°

I guess I just get extra worried about these things sometimes.
@ajay003 I would probably be in your shoes but I had to go back to work so little one went to daycare. I canā€™t control the teachers, the other babies, or their families. He even caught (and shared) the virus day 4 of daycare. LO handled it much better than me.

I figure if he is already being exposed to these germs why should we limit what little quality time we have each week at home.

I get everyone is different but it was out of my control.
@ajay003 My baby is 4 months old. I live in Canada as well and have been cautious about being indoors. We've enjoyed a lot of socializing over the summer because we can be outdoors as much as possible. I'm starting to introduce some indoor activities, like swim classes, and I'm nervous, but we can't stay home all the time. As soon as she can be vaccinated at 6 months we're doing all the things.
@ajay003 Iā€™m with you!!! Same struggle. My LO is 11 mos and I go through this alllll the time. Very glad to know itā€™s not just my family playing jt safe still.

My boy, like yours, adores people. I feel so bad like Iā€™m making him miss out. I canā€™t wait for things to be easier.
@danielgithahu We all got sick with covid in the spring when I dared to go out a get a haircut. I was suctioning a screaming 6 mo nostrils every hour on the hour for weeks because he could barely breathe and came close to hospitalization twice.

When the area I live in stops having surges of it and more people respect being vaccinated + heā€™s older and has all his 1 year vaccines I will start to feel better.
@ajay003 My baby was born in October 2021 and we went out everywhere, just with precautions. We only got Covid this summer because my husband catched it at work from a collegue and didn't realize until we were infected too. I would have literally gone insane if I had to avoid the world for months. Full disclosure, I also live in an area where precautions were taken seriously by a good % of the population.

We went outdoors with no precaution, just avoiding crowds, and to grocery stores and restaurants choosing moments where they were not very crowded. I always sanitized my hands and socialized with other moms who had similar attitudes.
@ajay003 I totally understand being worried about this. My anxiety was soo bad around illnesses. And then we started him in daycare a few days a week, he got his first illness, and now getting sick just seems like a normal baby thing and it's nowhere near as stressful or panic attack inducing as it used to be. We're still cautious where possible but I'm just not as freaked out as I once was. I guess I'm just saying one day it might be less stressful for you too and the struggle won't be as hard.

Getting him out and about in safe places is totally fine, you're doing a great job!
@allproblemsdie Thank you, your comment means a lot to me šŸ˜Š

And yeah, that makes sense. I guess once baby gets sick for the first time, it would be easier to deal with afterwards. I mean, he will eventually despite my best efforts and I know that. Suppose I shouldn't let it get the best of me so much.

Just hard to not worry sometimes. I'm familiar with the flu or common cold. Covid not so much.