Anyone else feel like it's a struggle to get baby out and about?

@sweetkatka Same, and I honestly don’t know a single person in real life who’s baby has been sick with covid. I know “anecdotes” don’t mean much but still.

I can’t wait to do things with my baby when she’s here. I’m so so grateful to not have to live in anxiety or fear about this all because it’s clear so many people do :(
@ajay003 At some point you’ve gotta live your life. It has been 2.5 years since Covid began, like are people just going to keep avoiding life for another 2.5? Your baby clearly loves being socialized and most babies do. It would be very sad to keep him indoors for the tiny chance he COULD get sick. I mean did people not leave their houses with their babies for every flu season before Covid? No. Sorry but this borders on postpartum anxiety/OCD that you may need to be treated for.
@danielgithahu I agree but it honestly feels like we are in the minority from all of the posts on all of the pregnant and new parent subs. I sometimes feel like I’m living in a different world, but my area of the world just does not obsess over covid anymore. Whether that’s “right” or “wrong” I don’t know, but we just don’t.
@ajay003 We aren’t taking the little one out to socialize until she is fully covid vaccinated (next month!!! Yay!) Up until now she has been outside a lot on hikes in the forest, walks in the neighborhood, and watching kids play in the park. We attend a virtual parent-baby group and video chat with family often. Babe loves to see the faces on the screen. She has been in ONE store - a small bakery for 5 minutes.

I can’t wait to do social things after October. I’m hoping to hike with other moms, maybe exercises classes, farmers markets, swimming or music lessons, museums, aquarium, zoo, etc. I know we will probably get covid, but I want her immune system to be ready. At 9 months, it’s time to participate in person for us.
@ajay003 we’ve kept my LO nearly completely isolated for 2 years (only outside storytimes). he’s now fully vaxed and we chose to start him in 5 hrs/wk preschool plus swim, outdoor soccer, and indoor gym class because it’s to the point where he NEEDS socialization to grow. it scares the hell out of me, not gonna lie.
@ajay003 I felt this way a whole lot. Bub was born late April and we’re in Australia so have just made it through winter. I was super cautious about taking her out - really only went out to the shops if necessary, took her to doctors appointments and would catch up with a mum’s group outdoors while the weather was nice (which wasn’t super often).

Then we ended up with the virus anyway, which my husband had brought home from work.

Of course it’s good to be cautious and make sure you’re making the best possible decisions that you can. But also, I think there’s a need to give bubs as normal a life as possible, while taking reasonable precautions
@ajay003 Babies here don’t get the covid vaccination so my baby won’t be having it. I’ll also be taking her anywhere that I would have taken her pre-pandemic.

Socialisation is so so so so important and I believe a lack of it will harm my baby way way more than catching covid would, which I actually don’t believe is harmful enough to infants to live in any kind of fear over it.
@ajay003 Omg, I know how you feel! Our baby is almost 4 months and we only take him for outdoor strolls. He has only met my partner’s mom, his pediatrician, and even my parents have only seen him 3x since he was born. We had to turn down wedding and birthday party invites. We want to introduce him to more of our friends and family but we want to wait until he has more of his shots and the Covid vaccine.
@ajay003 I'm not worried. That virus is here to stay and is not as dangerous as it once was. Especially for children. I also had the virus in my last trimester and am vaccinated so my baby has my immunities. You gotta live at some point. Maybe just stay away from crowds and actively sick people.
@ajay003 @krakenvillian my LO is 8mo today, and we got his covid Vax at the same time as his 6mo shots. His dr said it was fine to do it then, and I felt that it best to go ahead and get it then so any symptoms from the vaccines would all be done at once instead of having to go through them twice. He did really well. A slight fever for 2 days and just the regular uncomfortable feeling from getting vaccines. Hope this helps.