@ajay003 UK here, so a bit different, don't think we're vaxing babies, and there are different strains etc
But in case this eases your mind a little bit, my little one had covid at just shy of 4 months, she had a high temp for 24 hours and slept terrible, but what baby does at that age!? Otherwise she was fine, she was happy and playful. We got it from the Drs when she got her jabs, it was the only place we went! We used baby paracetamol to bring her fever down.
She's currently got a cold from a group we go to and honestly that's worse than covid, she is now snotty and grumpy. Illness effects different people in different ways but if I'm being honest I preferred when she had covid!
I've had to realize she's going to catch bugs throughout her life and we are going to have deal with it, I won't stop worrying but one day she'll step out into the world and catch all the nasty bugs kids spread! I am not looking forward to puke and chickenpox but all I can do is prep with medicine and cuddles at the ready