Any bike commuting moms here?

@bdmulneaux Lets rephrase what you actually saying: The risk are accidents that result in falling. These can be caused by anything (kids, pets, toys that are suddenly in the path), but the most dangerous are cars as these can lead to worse injuries. Here it depends strongly on the infrastructure you are using.

I personally use a bike only lane (bike highway) and feel perfectly fine. When I am near intersections or small kids, I am more careful though.
@surendered12345678 I commuted to work until 37+1 (22km round trip) but my last ride was 39+0. Around week 22 I felt my fitness start to tank and about week 25 I switched to an omafiets. But yeah I kept doing it until more or less the end, not least because it was a lot easier than walking! It's completely about what you are comfortable with, but I stopped road cycling early on and stuck to dedicated bike paths unless I was on a group ride.