Am I over reacting or being unfair/unrealistic? My mom watched my 16 month old for a few hours today and 3 things happened.


New member
My mom has watched him before just only at my house. This time was at her house. For the record, she watches my three and a half year old niece a lot. It sure that helps or hurts.

Thing 1) baby came home with a big cheek scratch. This doesn’t bother me, I understand this can happen pretty easily.

Thing 2) she let him eat raisins in the car. Choking scares me so definitely no eating in the car period, but also raisins are sticky and he’s never had them before. This doesn’t seem too bad but makes me kind of wary, like you don’t see an issue with raisins? Idk.

Thing 3) she told me that he likely swallowed 3 of these little craft ladybug things. The site says they are 0.39*0.2inch. To me they are obviously a choking hazard and why were they out where he could get them anyways? Where was she? Idk. She said the ladybugs were too small to choke on and I corrected her, like no they are perfect for choking.

I feel like he’ll pass them fine (but def tell me if you think I should take him to the dr), but choking is silent and can happen so fast and it scares tf out of me.

I brought it up to my mom and she’s being great about it. But idk am I being an overly anxious mom or are these reasonable things to be worried about?
@dgaunn4114 I think he'll be fine, honestly. I don't think you're being too anxious, that would probably upset most of us to some extent. Luckily everything was fine, and nothing bad happened. I would be pretty upset too (I was a really anxious mom when mine were little but had boomer parents so... expectations were low?) but I would avoid letting her watch your kid at her own house anymore, because she (as with all or most of our older parents) can't think of all the things she needs to babyproof and without babyproofing adequately you have to pay waaay more attention and be waaaaay more cautious than she is being based on this. It could have been a problem, but thankfully it wasn't in this situation this time. The raisins are a hellll no for the future so as long as she is aware not to let kids eat in the car anymore (anything can be choked on, and a kid in a carseat isn't super visible right?) that isn't too bad.

I'd be giving some grace since she's being great about it and making effort but not have her watch him at her place til he's a bit older maybe.

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