Always justifying how I take care of LO


New member
I am always justifying why I still put LO in the carrier to make her sleep at 10 MO, the fact that I pick her up during the night if she cries, the fact that I have Baby Tracker to know how long she has been awake/changed diaper/ate, the fact that I don't let her taking everything as she pleases because she puts everything in her mouth, the fact that I am always near her if she goes near a fourniture as she still falls often when she walks.

Can I just want the best for my LO, not sleeptrain and care for her safety? I think it's not normal that as a baby, I managed to eat some laundry detergent. And even if LO will get hurt sooner or later, I can't wrap her in bubble all her life, can I at least wait until she is more stable before letting her go as she pleases? Yes, my baby is still in the 6.5' X 5.5' playpen most of the time. She is 100% safe and she is happy at the moment. I let her explore when I can watch her.

Of course I would not track everything if I had 12 babies, thank you for the input grandma. Maybe I wanted to take great care of my only baby at the moment without feeling guilty I do so.

I'm sick of hearing my mom saying I don't let my daughter do anything. Or that I spoil her for putting her in the baby carrier to make her sleep. Or that I should not pick her up during the night.

Vent over, thank you
@andreea777 I have been there, done that. The only solution was to put ANYONE with vocal opinions on an information diet. If I didn’t ask for your opinion, then keep it to yourself. You do EXACTLY what you want for your babe, and anyone who disagrees is more than welcome to have their own child and do it their way.

You’re amazing, killing it, and no one else’s opinion (except maybe the pediatrician) matters!
@josie129 Yesss!! I always ask them to refrain from unsolicited advice or critiques as “we are all just doing our best”. And if they continue to pry, a time diet (they get to spend less time with me). If they spend their reduced time with me making comments like that, I’ll ask again to keep their opinions to themselves and if they don’t have anything nice to say, you know.

If they still are making comments I don’t like I will generally say something like “I’ve asked you a couple times now not to comment or critique my parenting. If you can’t respect my boundary, that’s fine, I can’t control you. But I can control who I spend my time with and I won’t choose to spend it with someone who doesn’t respect me”.
@andreea777 Yo. I can make my 18 month old nap in 90 degree weather with children screaming thanks to that carrier. Even though hes totally too big for it. You have no idea the flexibility that has afforded my family. Carriers are great and anyone who judges just doesnt know or theyre jealous.
@whatwasoldisnewagain I carry my 36 lbs toddler to and from daycare in the carrier every single day 😅 I never had any negative comments but plenty of people told me I was courageous lol! Especially since I got pregnant again.

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