All three couples at my family’s NYE celebration are OAD


New member
My aunt had a little NYE shindig at her house and I went with my parents and my daughter. Two of my cousins and their spouses were also there. All of us have one kid. My older cousin has a 6 year old and has been pretty vocal about being one and done since he was born. My other cousin and his wife have a daughter who is almost exactly the same age as my daughter. We got on the topic of people who were pregnant at the same time as us or even after us being pregnant again and wondering how the hell they are doing it. Cousin’s wife then shared that she and my cousin are also planning to be OAD. We ended up having a great conversation about both the positives and the anxieties around OAD and I just felt so SEEN and validated.

Also, given that three out of three couples at the event are OAD, there were zero intrusive questions or “won’t they be lOnEly!?”. For once I didn’t felt self-conscious or less-than for being OAD. I felt normal. It was amazing. Also, even with two toddlers and a six year old, things were manageable and there was plenty of time to socialize since the adult to kid ratio was like 3:1. It was great haha.

I also have several coworkers who have recently shared with me that they’re also planning to be one and done. Three older coworkers with grandkids shared that their kids are also planning to be one and done. It seems that having just one is becoming more and more common where I am (northeastern US).

In the end, I’m glad that even if my daughter is an only, she won’t be alone in that experience. I hope all of our onlies can get together and make their own little families as they grow (kids with siblings also welcome ofc!)

I’m hoping everyone made it out of the holiday season relatively unscathed. ❤️

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