AITA:My son’s father wants to cut my son’s Locs off against his wishes. I’m trying to stop it


New member
Our son is 10. Only the top portion of his head has locs. He’s been growing his hair out for some years now and he’s grown to love his hair. His dad feels he should revisit locs later in life and to cut it off. Only because when the style isn’t fresh anymore he doesn’t like it. But my argument is he’s a KID. Who cares. He’s not harming anyone, I’m the one that has the job of retouching his locs. His dad just has to get his hair lined up and cut in the back. I feel that the way of teaching him responsibility especially when it comes to self grooming starts now. And his he finds that to be too much then he will want to cut it on his own. But it’s amazing to see my son love his hair despite any jokes from his peers or what anyone has to say. He loves it. AITA for not allowing my son’s father to control what our son’s hair looks like? Thank you for reading!
@poetanooi 10 is plenty old enough to decide to keep his hair how he wants. As long as it's healthy and clean it's literally no one else's business but his own at this point. Heck my almost 4 year old has decided he likes long hair, so we don't cut it!
@poetanooi NTA he's 10 he should have control over his own hair!

my son is 7, he hasn't had a haircut in quite a while and my mom keeps saying its too long and needs to be cut... but he likes it as it is, and thats the important thing, im not gonna make him cut it!

its great youre on your son's side on this
@poetanooi NTA I went no contact with my brother because among other things he threaten to cut my son's hair which my son did not want to get cut. I feel like children have a right to bodily autonomy and as long as its not something extreme like getting a piercing or tattoo they should be able to decide what they want to do with their own hair/body.
Thank you all sooo very much! I feel so much better knowing I advocated correctly for him. I’ll always be on his side especially when not doing any harm. Now the question is, do I share these responses with his dad so he can better understand? I’d love to hear from a father’s POV as well. Thanks again xoxo