Adult Stepdaughter is Making Us Miserable! Help!


New member
My (33f) fiance’s (43f) daughter is 18 and lives with me and my fiance full time. I have a daughter who is 7 that lives with us half the time. I’m really struggling with my future step daughter. She struggles with her mental health - anxiety and depression. I highly suspect that she has borderline personality disorder and/or narcissistic personality disorder. She’s medicated and sees a therapist. She has been in many modes of therapy that I have helped facilitate. She has only one responsibility around the house and that is to take the trash out. She does this maybe one out of four times when it is full because she puts it off and due to our dogs getting into the trash, I end up taking it out so they don’t get to it. When she is asked to do anything, she gives us attitude and yells at us for “nagging” her. Then uses excuses - her mental health (it is well controlled but she has gotten away with using this in the past).

She graduated from high school last year. We know that pushing her is not helpful so we have allowed her to make her own decisions on her time about college. We made the rule that she has to be working full time or going to school. She works about 30 hours a week currently at a retail job.

She is highly privileged. Her dad has bought her a brand new car, is going to pay entirely for her college, and told her that if she goes to college, he will pay for her apartment. She is very hard to live with. She constantly has an attitude and I feel like I am walking on eggshells around her. I try very hard to not show that she makes me uncomfortable. I do a lot for her because she always tells us that she feels unwelcome in her house. I make an effort to engage with her every time she is around me, I help her with her laundry, I cook her dinner even when she isn’t around - including making an effort to make her favorite meals, I seriously try everything.

The minute something goes the way she doesn’t want it to go, she flies off the handle, of course not acknowledging all the good things we do and nit picking on small things that have made her mad (me buying the wrong brand of orange juice means that I hate her). She recently sent her dad a house for rent that she wants to move into. The house is way beyond what she needs and she’s expecting him to get this for her right away. She has not signed up for school. He came back to it and said she needs to be going to school. She flipped out on him and then turned on her mother. Swearing at her sending her text message after text message, calling her, yelling at her in person. Telling her she has always been a terrible mom and she owes her blah blah blah. Calling her a b*tch, telling her to go f*ck herself, etc. All the while my partner remained calm, set her boundaries (I will talk to you when you are respectful to me). At home she purposefully has been doing all of the things we have asked her not to - late at night when she gets home after we are all asleep, she slams all the doors, stomps around on the hardwood floors, being all over as loud as she can. Leaving garbage around the house. Walking with her muddy shoes on my freshly cleaned floors, etc.

I just don’t know where to go next with this. She is making living in the house miserable. I don’t feel comfortable in my own house when she is home or around. I hate the influence she is on my daughter. I have begun to even feel resentful when she eats food that I have cooked for her (she eats a TON and often leaves nothing for me to eat) or when I am cleaning things that I know she has made dirty. I think she would crash and burn if we made the ultimatum for her to move out. We have no family around that she could live with. Her dad lives overseas. I’m lost at what to do. We have tried boundary setting, taking things away from her (car/phone). Thanks for making it this far with me. I just need some advice.

tl/dr: My adult (future) stepdaughter has made living in my house miserable with her attitude, the way she treats everyone, and lack of responsibility. .
@juanna I would suggest cross posting in r/stepparents. I think what you’re describing is a common struggle for step parents, and you might get better advice from other people in the struggle.
@juanna Have you thought of family mediation or therapy? Where you can set out how hard you are trying and what you would like with her therapist there as a buffer?
@juanna Meet with your husband, outline clear expectations for living with you and boundaries boundaries boundaries. Then have an adult family meeting and communicate the aggreement. She WILL push those boundaries, so don't get emotional, just go to the plan of action. If she violates a boundary, have a clearly outlined consequence or loss of priviledge. She is an adult and you can model adult living to help her transition. DONT engage every time you see her, and dont ignore her. Find a middle ground. If she seems standoffish give her space. Don't go out of your way to do her adult responsibilities. She can make most of her food, do her laundry, clean like everyone else. Maybe since the garbage is an issue rotate and change tasks. Example: If you join us for dinner, do the dishes or clean the tables. clean your bathroom, vacuum etc. Communicate often, kindly and clearly. Are you going to join us for dinner? If plans change don't freak out. Overall, treat and respect her like an adult, be consistent and COMMUNICATE clearly.
@juanna Does your 7 year old endeavor to take care of themselves? My kiddo has been taking over progressively more of his own care tasks since he was 2; at 4 he can do a lot of the steps of his own laundry, likes to wipe down his table, is getting decent at some cooking tasks, etc. I bet your 7 yo could do a lot of things. Then the 18 yo will have nothing to complain about.

Get both kids contributing meaningfully to their own self care and select tasks benefiting the household. This needs to be something everyone participates in.

To my eyes, you seem like a doormat in need of many many boundaries.
@juanna Why are you so involved in discipline, is future stepdaughter on board with that? Seems like it should be your fiance and her exes responsibility.

Your future wife should be making her daughter clean the trash if the dogs get into it.
@juanna One resource you should check out is the NEA BPD program for family members of people who have BPD. They have a free course that meets online that is wonderful. It might help for her mom, dad and you to take it just to have evidenced based tools on how to deal with her illness. The black and white thinking and the outburst can certainly make people feel like you're walking on eggshells. I'd be certainly concerned about the impact on your daughter. Especially since little ones depend on adults co co-regulate emotions and learn how to cope emotionally to problems. With this woman loosing it and not being an appropriate or healthy role model, there is a chance for your daughter thinking this is "normal" behavior- which it is not. Also, from the research we know that BPD is a result of both genetic, environment and/or early trauma so your step daughter is has a LOT of work to do therapeutically. Despite having depression and anxiety, she can fully handle a job. So seems that she is functional and would be good to encourage her to go off to college. I would warn against her getting too comfortable at home. If too much time passes, colleges might also not like that either unless she's taking a gap year doing something amazing. You also said this is your fiancé and not husband. Have you talked about what long term care and help his daughter will need? What happens if she is ever physically violent or emotionally abusive towards you or your daughter (which is a real possibility- seems she is already abusive towards bio mother)?
@juanna It sounds like she has shit self esteem and is crying out for boundaries. Oh she’ll make a right song and dance when they’re laid down and enforced, but kids (and adult kids living in your home and acting like kids) need and subconsciously even want them.

You’ve done a great job pushing the therapy avenue, it might be worth chatting with your partner and your stepdaughters therapists about the possibility of additional diagnoses, see what they think, and try to lock in a psychiatrist if you can access one.

In the meantime you need to have a frank discussion with your partner about what you’re feeling. She may be lost and overwhelmed too, but either way, you’re a team and it’s not your role to be the boundary setter and disciplinarian. Demand family therapy and boundaries - otherwise you have to accept that this is your life now, and make your relationship decisions accordingly. Don’t get married while this situation is unresolved. Is dad any use? It might be worth getting on a call with him to explain what’s going on and try to get all of you on the same page so you’re not playing bad cop and he’s spoiling her out of guilt for being overseas, or so she’s not feeding him trash about how abusive you all are.
@juanna You deserve to be at peace in your own home as well as your daughter. If she can't abide by boundaries, then you need to tell her mother that they must move out of your home.