About to miscarry at 7 wks gestational age at home alone with a 2.5 yr old


New member
8.5 weeks pregnant. Went for my first U/S, no heart beat and measuring at 7 weeks. My husband travels for work and will only be home for 3 days in the next week and a half which means during the time he’s gone
1-no showers
2-minimal time to sit on the toilet
3-no time to sit on the toilet alone
4-no time to take a hot bath (my go to for cramping/labor pain management)
5-no time to lay down (we just potty trained and half of my day is spent sitting on the bathroom floor right now)
6- no time to fish the generational sac out of the toilet (I’ve had many miscarriages in the past year but this is the first time I’ve been able to carry this long and my OB says should test it to try and figure out what’s going on. All other tests came back normal)

How screwed am I?
Has anyone else experienced a MC at 7 weeks gestational age?
How long did it take to start heavy bleeding once the bleeding started?
I want a d&c because of my general inability to take care of myself and to make sure the necessary tissue is recovered for testing but don’t have anyone to watch my toddler or take me so I’m stuck waiting a week and a half for my husband to be home. I’m worried I won’t make it until then as I’m already stating to cramp.

Also kind of worried I might start bleeding too much and pass out at home alone with my 2.5 yr old and something bad might happen to her.

Any and all advice is very very much appreciated.
@chris_mil I am so sorry you're in this situation. Is it possible to get a friend to stay with you or have your toddler stay with someone else for a few days?

If not, it might be time to call on your neighbours, church, any community that you're part of and arrange that someone checks up on you periodically and has a key for emergencies.

You don't have to tell then what's going on medically. Just tell someone you trust that your husband is travelling and you want an emergency plan in place.
@chris_mil Is there a reason you can’t do a d&c so they can recover the materials in the clinic and you have control over scheduling? That’s what I did and it was a huge relief to not be sitting on a ticking time bomb. I also had a dx of what happened.
@chris_mil I’m so sorry. I miscarried alone with my 1 year old at 8 weeks pregnant. Make sure to keep your phone close. I lost a lot of blood and got very dizzy and almost passed out. Sit in the shower. And have your 2.5 year old set up with a tablet or something.
@chris_mil I miscarried at 7 weeks. I carried on as normal. It was like a heavy period for me. The worst part was the cramps were worse than usual but it wasn’t like I needed to lie down all day or anything.
@moonlitsonata Same for me, miscarried at 9 weeks, didn’t have any pain and bled a lot, wore heavy pads, even traveled across the country during the whole thing, def was in survival mode and I know not everyone has the same experience with a miscarriage.
@moonlitsonata Same for my 9 week miscarriage. I’m a teacher and led freshman orientation, did all my professional development days, and started the school year during. I had bleeding or spotting for over two weeks straight and nasty cramps for a week tops. Had it confirmed on the second day of school and took two days off, went back the next Monday. It sucked but I didn’t know what else to do, so I just put on a thermacare wrap and a maxi pad, took some ibuprofen, and kept moving.
@chris_mil I think you should ask for D&C the days your husband is home. You need someone to drive you and stay with you the first day but then you should be in significantly better shape.

If this is not possible please ask someone to come stay with you — even if they can work from home at your house— or at least check on you.

My toddler plays with bath toys in the shower while I shower ! Maybe yours would as well. Can you get a heat pack that Velcro’s on so you can wear it around?

I’m so so sorry this is happening to you. Will be thinking of you.
@chris_mil Why can’t you shower? Is it because of the miscarriage? Cause otherwise just do it when the kid is sleeping. Consider having a babysitter/friend/neighbor/relative help you during this time.
@chris_mil You can’t take a bath right after having a miscarriage there is risk of infection. Also, this early on it won’t be anything salvageable. Do you have a neighbor or friend?
@chris_mil I’m so sorry. My heart hurts for you. I miscarried at about 6-7 weeks. I did not know I was going to miscarry, but had a feeling something was wrong. It was like a very painful period for me. To be honest, the feeling of dread and sorrow are what I remember now (12 years later) Physically, I was fine within a few days-I didn’t even take a day off of work b/c it happened over a long weekend. I still regret not taking time for myself to heal emotionally. Can you make sure someone is at least phoning you at regular intervals to check on you? I’m so so sorry. Many are thinking of you 💔
@chris_mil I had a MC at 7wks earlier this year. I started bleeding 2-4 days after I stopped taking progesterone. It didn’t really impact my life. I was still chasing my 20 month old around ok. There was nothing to fish out of toilet for me. It’s so early. My blood loss was very slow and lasted about 3 weeks.

I’m sorry you continue to have MC’s. 😣

D&C is the best way to get tissue tested this early.

(Note: mine was after IVF. Probably genetically abnormal for me as I didn’t have it tested ahead of time.)