9 week old sleep question(s)


New member
It's hard to find a definitive or even roundabout answer on Google.. maybe I suck at searching.

She just turned 9 weeks. At night she is sleeping 5-6 hours straight sometimes, and may even sleep longer if I don't wake her up to feed. Is it ok to let them sleep and wake on their own? She is currently on some medication that will either disturb her sleep or make her sleep more so idk if this is her medicine side effect or not. She's otherwise a normal baby! How long can 9 week olds go without a feeding? She currently eats 4 ounces of formula every 3 hours during the day and she is gaining half a pound a week (not sure if it's her steroids making her gain more and more either but she eats great!

Idk I'm overthinking everything lol

UPDATE: thank you all! I was just a little worried because of the medication factor and the fact that I let her sleep 6 hours last night. I felt so guilty, but I also really hate waking her up from such a peaceful sleep. I will call pediatrician when I can!
@cj4140 I would ask your doctor.

The usual advice is that if your baby is healthy and over their birth weight then you should let them sleep and enjoy it, however, because the medication could be making her sleep personally I'd be concerned about her going those long stretches. 5-6 hours is considered "sleeping through" for a baby and probably is the longest a baby of this age would be expected to sleep for without feeding.
@cj4140 Usually as long as they are gaining weight it is fine to let them sleep through the night. During the day you’ll want to wake 3-4 hours to keep the day different from night and get as many calories in as you can. But if you do have concerns definitely ask your pediatrician.
@cj4140 Our 9 week old just had his first ever 8 hour stretch last night! I still feed him about every 2-3 hours during the day but he seems to be gaining well. I recently started feeding him before naps too. I used to just do when he would wake up, but because his wake windows are getting a bit longer, it seems to help him have a longer nap.
@cj4140 As someone else said, I'd consult your pediatrician since there's the medication factor.

However, at 9 weeks if they've reached their original birth weight and they're healthy then it's usually ok to let them just sleep at night. My 9 week old currently gets in some 7 hour stretches when she first goes down for the night. Definitely ask your pediatrician though.