9 mo with Covid part 2

@jamesmoon We use the nose Frida too. Decided to go with the battery operated one because the babies fight so much and it’s quicker. It has great suction so far. I feel like I get more out in a quicker time frame.
@mcooperiii Oh momma I'm so sorry you're going through this! Sending you good vibes and big internet hugs. You sound like a great mom and I hope your LO and husband recover quickly. ❤
@mcooperiii I AM SO SORRY! You're living my worst nightmare. If I could come be your support I swear I would.

We all had covid a few weeks ago, and luckily it was pretty mild, I was the worst. My almost 5-year old is still recovering from a cough.

I'd be losing my mind if any of my kids had to go to the hospital. I'd lose my mind if I had to because I wouldn't be able to take care of them. 😭

I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts. ❤️
@mcooperiii I am so sorry. My baby got covid at 6 months and we were in an identical scenario. He was refusing basically all food and drink. I'm pretty sure he lost his sense of taste. About a week later he was perfectly fine and back to eating. Praying for you. It is SO scary
@mcooperiii My mom just tested positive with it and she was around us the day before she got sick. I’m praying we don’t get it because we have 7 week old twins and an 18 month old and it scares me what could happen. My thoughts are with you right now.
@savedgirl Tbh I have been flooded with so much support in the past like 12hrs now that I am actually super humbled. I have had other mom's send me so much strength and love and support that it reminded me I CAN get through this and it WILL get better. I will speak it into existence.

I have had so many reach out asking what I need or what they can do to help relieve some stress and I am just very appreciative. So don't worry you really lifted a first time mom's spirit over here.
@katrina2017 Oh! Thank you, she did get perscribed zofran so Im hoping that will work. I will see if its in stock. So much stuff is flying off the shelves, not from panic buying but so many people are getting infected.
@mcooperiii I hope it works for your little one. I know how scary this could be. It's the hispanic version of baby "cereal" it's meant to be on the thicker side and the taste is kinda sweet so you won't need much. Best of luck, we're rooting for you.
@mcooperiii Praying for you. We all had it over the holidays and it was brutal. My 4 month old and I were first. He is a naturally calm happy baby, cried for 2 days straight and then had a rough time for a couple more. He did thankfully eat, less so, but mainly slept and cried. I got very sick and was shaking so bad I couldn't hold him. The only saving grace was my partner was a few days behind me, so I was doing somewhat better when he went downhill. He's vaccinated and was worse than me, had to go to the ER to have an Oxygen test and chest x ray to make sure he didn't have pneumonia. It was So scary. I cried several times. My 5 yr old had a fever for 4 days and was lethargic but he fared better. I still can't taste or smell and tire easily. I'm so sorry you're having to hold down the fort for everyone right now. Please just don't worry about anything but taking care of each other. Worry about the house later, use doordash if you can. Are there any friends who can drop off meals? Hang in there. It's going to be okay

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