9 mo with Covid part 2

@raverdave2k Hope you and your family are doing better!! So so scary. Just wondering for personal reasons, does hubby have any comorbidities? Wondering how common it is to have his reaction when vaxxed? So glad to hear you are all okay now!
@mcooperiii I’m sorry you’re going through this momma. At a month old my baby was in the hospital for what ended up being a month so I’m with you on how heartbreaking it is. All you can do is keep being there for your little one and hold her tight. If baby is severely dehydrated, ask if they can admit her so she can get fluids through iv. It’s hard to see a baby get poked for an iv but if it’s necessary, do what’s needed. My baby was poked so many times, ask for an experienced ER nurse/tech to lessen the chances of them not getting it right.

It’s probably hard for her to drink anything orally with a swollen lip. I hope her symptoms get better soon.
@faither She is eating better with the zofran! But I am so sorry you had to stay there for a month. I can barely handle two ER visits. I feel like I am surrounded by a village right now of mothers and I am just really touched right now.
@mcooperiii Honey, I understand. I would be weary too. I hope you can get the help that you need. If there’s anything that a stranger could do (I swear I’m not creepy— I’m a single mom of 2 young girls) please send me a message!
@mcooperiii Send you all my good thoughts and wishes. My youngest had Covid in November when she was 12 months. Didn't eat or drink for a week and it was scary. Felt like we would never come out of the other side, but I am here to tell you that she did! It took 2-3 weeks for her to get back to normal, but that first time she ate half a banana I was over the moon!

You've got this mama! You'll both get through this and come out stronger on the other side.
Okay so I think I did this right? I didnt add much I already bought a lot of cleaning supplies already.

amazon list here

We are also really hurting for gas


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