8W old o my eats 2 ounces every 2-3 hours


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Basically what the title says. She used to be breastfed since birth but we recently switched over to strictly formula feeding for my own mental health.
She was born 7Ib3Oz and a week ago at a doctors visit she was almost 11.
She fusses A LOT and sometimes will scream at feeds. It’s like she’s very hungry but can’t eat. I don’t know if it’s a reflux issue or not but she’s taking gas drops and nothing has changed.
She will only drink 2 oz every 2-3 hours. A good feeding for her is 3-4oz but that’s once a day if we’re lucky. I’m worried she’s not getting enough to eat. Has anyone gone through something like this?
@daughterofmajor We are dealing with something very similar with our 9 week old. Actually went to an occupational therapist today, who was able to watch me feeding her, examined her mouth, etc. She gave us some exercises to do with baby. In short, the OT thinks that she’s “grazing” and snacking all day, which causes her mouth muscles to get overtired, which causes her not get the full amount that she needs, and the cycle starts all over again. So we are working on slowly spacing feeds and trying some of those exercises. Good luck! You’re not alone.
@daughterofmajor My baby is/was the same way! She just turned 3 months old and increased her feeds on her own to about 4-5 oz. Sometimes she still only eats 2 or 3 though. She tends to snack more throughout the day. I wouldn't worry too much as long as your baby is gaining weight.
@daughterofmajor My son is 11 weeks- still eats every 2hours in the day (sometimes less than 2hours!) & takes on average 2-3 ounces.
He has reflux & if he drinks any more than 3 oz he just vomits it back up. My GP hasn’t been concerned until he suddenly dropped centiles.

So I wouldn’t worry unless he begins dropping centiles! Some kids are just snackers. Frustrating as a parent as it is, it obviously works for them!
@daughterofmajor Night time is SO much better. He falls asleep around 7.30/8 then usually wakes 2/3 times. (Usually 12.30/1 then 3/4, then 6- however this week we’ve only had 2wake ups! 😮 at 2 and 5!)

He drinks around 3oz each time & is obviously ravenous after the first sleep. I haven’t been told to wake him to feed him so I don’t!
@daughterofmajor Went through this. During developmental leaps they either eat way more than usual or way less (Wonder Weeks book). If it lasts for longer than few days, could be that they no longer like the formula. Try to ask pediatrician for few samples of different brands before committing to full change, to make sure it’s something baby likes and is the reason for decreased eating. We had to switch brands at one point and it worked.
Also just because baby is not eating the 2/2.5oz per lbs per day does not necessarily mean that they are not eating enough, as long as the baby follows its growth curve.
@daughterofmajor I think she’s getting enough but maybe try upping it to 3-4 Oz then you can go longer between feedings? Gas drops did nothing for us. She might just be getting used to the formula love. What kind of bottle are you using? And what formula if you don’t mind me asking?
@bigadolph420 Whenever I offer her a bottle, I always offer up 4 oz just in case she wants to take more, it’s usually always 2-2 1/2 oz. She is drinking Similac Advance at this moment, we are trying to get her to drink Enfamil Gentlease due to ped recommendation but she’s refusing it. She is taking no medicine. I thought it was a bottle issue but I’ve bought so many different kinds and nipple sizes as well it didn’t matter. The only bottle she will drink well enough with is Phillips Avent Natural, we’ve tried MAM, Dr Brown, Nano, etc
@daughterofmajor My baby was the same. He had silent reflux and it caused bottle aversion. He only ate about 2 oz every 2-3 hours. He dropped from 25th to the 5th percentile by 5 months. We got referred to a GI specialist paediatrician who followed his weight gain closely. I even got a good scale to measure at home. What worked for us was rice cereal in his bottle but he was 5 months at the time and was trying out solids. Rice cereal isn’t recommended by WHO but it helped my baby with bottle aversion cause he started drinking a bit more after that. However, he just naturally started drinking more and more when he aged. Now at 14 months he chugs an 8oz bottle. If I could go back in time, I’ll tell myself to worry less since they’ll start eating with time.

I suggest you get a referral to a GI specialist if possible. Get checked for tongue and lip ties. As PP suggested, get checked by an OT if you’re really worried. If your baby is gaining weight ok, I wouldn’t worry too much :)

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