8 months postpartum. Still struggling to lose weight


New member
I have been working out 5-6 days a week 1 hr of cardio.. sometimes 2 a days… pilates 3x a week for the last two months and I still am about like 168… granted I was 205 at delievery and before that was 158 ibs. I don’t understand why my weight is fluctuating so much. Just weighed in at end of night at 171 and of course I ate a little more than usual today but all healthy food..
I’ve been going since like 2 weeks after delivery…

Why is this so hard…

I want to get back to 150 or less… and it’s exhausting
@followinghim681 Are you breastfeeding? I have heard that makes it hang on. I stopped, and now I’m about at my original weight. I have definitely seen more plateaus and fluctuations than when I normally try to lose weight. That has been frustrating. But it did come off. The last bit has been due to a crazy amount of stress which is making me eat less to be honest, but that only came on when I was within 5 lbs. of my goal. The rest was just consistency with workouts and a pretty strict daytime diet.
@martinhero I probably need to cut my food in half. I’ve always had to borderline starve to lose weight. It’s just hard because I’m always hungry carrying my baby around the house and being active on top of working out. I stopped breast feeding at 3 months! And my cycles have been regular since
@followinghim681 It’s really hard. I cut out snacking almost completely. I try to keep healthy snacks around in case. I’ve been into strawberries, peaches, blueberries, bananas, and avocados. Just keep it up. I get really frustrated when the scale stops moving, but I up my running by a few minutes and stick with healthy eating, and it has eventually gone down each time. Also, don’t weigh yourself everyday. I struggle with that a lot, but I find it’s not healthy. Do try for the same time for weighing yourself (and I pick right before lunch when I am hungry!) I would not weigh myself at night. That would depress me 😂
@followinghim681 I’m feeling the same. I’m 6.5 month PP and been working out 4-5 days a week since about 3 months PP and nothing has changed. I’ve been doing pelvic floor PT in addition too and I’m feeling defeated with no changes in weight yet. My OB says to wait until 9 months PP to start to see a change but that I also may not see anything until the 12 month mark, which is very frustrating. I was 145 pre-baby and now between 170-180 and it’s really tough. I’ve also been chalking it up to being in my 30s that makes it tougher.
@saved3john16 Yes!! I’m in my 30’s as well…. So frustrating. I guess all we can do is be consistent. I’ve heard some bodies take until 18 months, I think it affects everyone differently. It was my first pregnancy as well and I should have watched weight a little better/worked out but it was exhausting.
@saved3john16 Also I feel like the only way I’ll lose is with a dramatic deficit… but I’m constantly hungry carrying a baby around all day so I feel like cutting the calories isn’t worth it. I breast fed until 3 months and my cycles are regular since then so it’s definitely probably needing to cut back food
@followinghim681 It’s so hard!! I finally just broke a 4 week weightloss plateau that was driving me batty. I am doing resistance training, and high protein/fiber diet within a caloric deficit. Not eliminating anything strictly, but just trying to be smart about what goes in. For me, volume is my hurdle..even if it’s “healthy” foods :/ Slowly slowly slowly moving the needle…with you in solidarity!
@followinghim681 Are you breastfeeding? I’m basically in the same boat. Was 145 pre baby, 171 the day I went into labor. Was back to pre baby weight by 3 weeks. Will be 8 months postpartum exactly in 5 days and back up to 168. I exclusively breastfeed and I don’t workout as much as you though. I try but my baby is really bad sleeper and my life feels like a sleep deprived fever dream right now. I’m hoping weaning and whenever she starts to sleep better I’ll be able to lose the weight. Not a tone of advice other than you are not alone
@tokai Aw thank you! I breast fed for 3 months- but had to pump because my baby was a premie (born at 34 weeks) so it was way too exhausting. I’ve talked to a lot of other moms and they say sometimes with a first baby it can take up to a year because your hormones are all over the place and the holding onto fat for survival mode. Well get back eventually💪 bringing a baby into this world takes a lot out of our bodies.
@followinghim681 I am just starting this. I have seen to
1. Get sunlight
2. Eat breakfast
3. Supplements such as ashwaganda, l-theanine,
4. Slow walking
5. Bone broth
6 minerals in water

I know this is impossible in the beginning bc of overwhelment but maybe baby steps. Again I am just starting and I am going on 8 weeks pp
I have also heard starting working out early can disrupt and make your body mad as you are not completely healed until about 6 weeks but yes moving around is good to start. Not so much weights and high intensity.