7 months postpartum and body still looking bad. It makes me feel sad to look at it


New member
I'm 7 month postpartum. I had an emergency c section. I have no ab separation but still just have a bulging stomach that won't go away and just feels like my whole body is wrapped in lumpy cellulite. I know I should be grateful that my body made a healthy baby and all that but I can't help but feel sad every time I look at myself in the mirror. Mostly I try not to look. At what point do I have to just accept that like this is my new body?

I'm still breast feeding - maybe that has something to do with it. I'm working out 5 days a week doing pilates like workout (the sculpt society) 25-30 minutes a day and trying to eat healthy and there seems to be some minimal improvement but I just thought i wouldn't still have this weird body 7 months later. The bulge in my stomach right above my c section scar is especially prominent- makes all pants fit so ugly- there is just a puffy gut that juts out right above my scar. I guess thats the famous c section shelf? Does it ever go away?

My stomach in general just feels like bloated all the time and my thigh butt area is huge.

Any tips? words of advice? how long did it take everyone to get rid of the gut, thigh, butt?

I did gain a little over the recommended pounds while pregnant and I am over 40 so maybe thats why too.
@stellasam I’m only two weeks postpartum so no advice/tips to give, but I feel the same way about my body too. I’ve read over and over that breastfeeding makes it harder to lose weight so I’m sure that is contributing.

Have you tried massaging your c-section scar? I believe that helps to break down the fascia that might be creating the bulge.

Also, actual weights aren’t allowed in this sub - you should probably edit your post to remove the amount you gained and put a percentage instead (I’ve had comments deleted before for including weights.)
@earlene oh good to know about the weights note. I will edit. I'm sorry you feel the same way too. It's so hard to look at yourself and feel gross. i hate it
@earlene Breastfeeding burns 300-500 calories a day. So it can actually help in managing your weight. But you can't do a massive deficit and expect your body to still produce milk. So a small daily deficit while eating good quality foods is optimal.

Messaging the scar is great advice.
@jimbattle This was absolutely not my experience, re breastfeeding helping manage my weight. The moment I stopped the extra layer started to melt away. I worked out a ton as well but breastfeeding caused me to hold about 15 extra pounds.
@stellasam Breastfeeding is a lot of work and I had to make sure I ate to keep up. Give yourself grace bc raising a baby and breastfeeding takes so much energy.

I didn’t start feeling more comfortable in my body until about 1 year postpartum and more than a year after when I started working out harder. And then I got pregnant again and am starting the whole cycle over lol…
@judicamedeus Haha same, I felt awesome at 18 months pp and then got pregnant again. I’m 7 months pp round 2 and my body is recovering around the same pace but it’s a lil worse and my body image issues are definitely worse. Always reminding myself to be kind and that I’d never let a friend talk about themselves this way!
@judicamedeus feeding that breast milk supply is so real. If i cut back too much my supply starts to tank right away. Thats helpful to hear it took you a year. congratulations on the new pregnancy. a brave lady to get back into it!
@stellasam Ok so I had the same issue and I’m just now feeling better about my body. This is my second pregnancy and am 10 months pp. Had vaginal birth first time and c section second time. I also tried the sculpt society and had zero results. I also eat healthy and am very active. So here is what I wish people told me:

Some people just don’t lose weight until they stop breastfeeding.

For c-section scar, massage it every day. There are many free videos on TikTok and online on how to do this. Mine is very tight and indented, so my pelvic floor PT does dry needling and cupping. I’m also going to start dermarolling it (only do this if indented). Also, I started carrying my facial skin care onto my scar and it looks so much better already.

10K steps minimum every day.

Dry brushing on especially on abdomen, backs of thighs and butt before shower. Some say it doesn’t help with cellulite but I see a difference. After showering, I do the sol de Janero bloating and firming oil on abdomen, thighs and butt and wood therapy.

Weight lifting minimum 3 times a week. TSS won’t help with fat reduction or building lean muscle. I’ve just come to realize, it’s great for skinny bodies like model types but that’s not my body type. Pilates twice a week to rehab core even if you don’t have DR. Can just be mat Pilates online even.

Lastly- this made the biggest difference for me and was what I was the most resistant to: CICO. Even though I was eating healthy, I was eating too much healthy food to lose weight. You just have to be in a calorie deficit. Calculate your TDEE to figure out maintenance. Subtract maybe only 250 calories because you are breastfeeding (to make sure milk supply doesn’t drop). 1 gram protein per pound of ideal body weight. Get at least 25 grams of fiber daily. My lower belly is significantly reduced after implementing this.

Labs to make sure you don’t have thyroid issues. Possibly hormone testing? Done through PCP.

Mental health is huge for weight loss!!! Mediate, tapping, whatever works for you. If you are upset with how you look in the mirror, do not think, “I hate my body” or whatever you are saying in your head. Say, “I don’t love where I’m at but I am putting in the work to be the best version of myself.” That’s my mantra at least.

Also, have a pelvic floor PT double check you for DR. My OB told me I didn’t have DR, guess what- I had a three finger separation

Also, are you drinking enough water?
@stellasam For me, body image has been one of the hardest things postpartum. I haven't felt this bad about myself since I was a teenager and maybe not even then.

I've heard it can take 2+ years to fully recover from pregnancy and birth, especially if You're breastfeeding. I'm 11 months postpartum and still improving. At the start of the day, my stomach is starting to look like my old body. Even a month ago, it was definitely puffier and my pants fit different. I haven't been doing much exercise, just walks with the baby, and have lost little to no weight since last year.

Be patient and be kind to yourself! The Belly Whisperer on instagram has some good info about recovering from birth and c section, especially scar massage. She's a pelvic floor physio and had a baby via c section last year.
@brenda84 i do feel like an awkward teen. my body moves differently and looks mismatched and I don't know how to dress myself. thank you for the belly whisperer tip. I'll check it out. I'm sorry you are struggling with body image too. Its so hard and I feel so silly for letting it bother me as much as it does but I hate it.
@stellasam I think there are certain things you just have to accept (and hopefully come to appreciate) about your pp body, like your incision, stretch marks, saggy boobs, etc. Those are often inherent to childbearing and you have to undergo surgery to get rid of it.

I don’t think you have to accept weight gain as a permanent part of your pp body, personally. If you can calorie count and still maintain your supply then that’s your best bet. If it affects your supply too much then maybe consider tracking macros to ensure you’re at least maintaining a nutrient dense diet. This coupled with increasing your step count should result in noticeable change over time. Also just my personal opinion, but if you can lift weights that has drastically changed my body composition. Pilates doesn’t really burn tons of calories or build much muscle, so that’s personally not what I would do for weight loss or body recomposition.

For what it’s worth, I also had an unplanned C-section and even though I am back in my prepregnancy clothes and weight, I still have a small “shelf”. Scar desensitization and massage is supposed to help but I just have not been diligent with it.
@stellasam If you have the time seek pelvic floor therapy.

She’s massaging my c section scar, doing cupping, helping it heal beautifully. Adhesions internally can contribute to an uneven belly post c section.

Of course we are doing strengthening exercises too and ab work.

I am close to your age, about 4mo pp, still 25lbs over my target weight. But overall I look good, just thicker. And my body retains weight while I breastfeed — this is baby #2 and I know for a fact.

Give yourself grace, things can be accomplished with hard work. And if you’re still unhappy once you’re done nursing and have really put in the work, you can get cryo or mini lipo or other small treatments.

For now I recommend massage, dry brushing, see a pelvic floor PT, and also try the hard workouts on the Sweat app.

I’ve done those too, but am still taking it easy atm.
@stellasam Your abs got stretched out so your intestines are not being held in as tightly as before. This can be remedied though don’t give up hope. Also what you are describing is the c section shelf above the incision. This can go away with total fat loss and sometimes it doesn’t but a very very simply lipo procedure gets rid of it. For the thighs and butt it’s just an overall fat loss thing. Have you began walking / running ? HIIT workouts? Have you heard of the sweat app?