6 weeks old, and I’m ready to crumple

@dianegrashot I haven't shared a bed with my partner in a month, our daughter just will not sleep in a crib or bassinet, period. It sucks but she's pretty adorable so I'm okay with it for now.
@griffin71 6 weeks was really hard for me. My baby was extra fussy, and I cried about it a lot. We were both miserable. I will tell you honestly, after a few terrible days, it all turned around. We’re at 10 weeks now, and I’m sooooo much happier. Just survive, and it will get better very soon!
@griffin71 I feel like there is a sleep regression with almost every growth spurt / developmental leap. My lo almost started sleeping through the night until we got to 3rd leap and he started waking every 3 hours. It took us a couple of weeks to get back on track and now we have 4 month sleep regression coming up 🙈 it’s a constant battle
@griffin71 6 weeks is a normal rough patch! Mine started witching hour around that time and hated bed time, but she got better within 1-2 weeks. Hang in there!!
@griffin71 Our baby is 8 weeks. We were starting to get 4 hours then 3 hours every night! I felt amazing. Then recently it’s been trickling down and last night I was up with him from 2:30- 6 am and then he slept for an hour until he was awake again. I felt like I was hit by a truck this morning. The back and forth is brutal- I thought we had turned a corner but no dice. Solidarity!
@griffin71 You're deep in the trenches, I promise you this will not last forever.

I remember some nights around that age when nothing would get my son back to sleep in the middle of the night. I wore myself to a frazzle trying to get him to fall asleep. If I could go back in time I would tell myself to relax and ride the wave, lie down with baby somewhere safe (in case you accidentally fall asleep), sing softly to them, if they aren't crying they may just not be tired enough to sleep and find solace in the fact that at this age they will be sleepy again within 2 hours. Clear your schedule the following day and clear all other responsibilities if possible. Nap with baby as much as possible and if possible, have someone take baby so you can go to bed early. This will pass and you will sleep again.
@griffin71 In solidarity with you. My SO took today off work because I was bawling my eyes out at 6am. I’ve had about 2 hours of broken sleep, my throat is sore from lack of sleep, I need to hold the baby all day, etc. I feel for you. The comments on this post have helped me and hopefully you…
@griffin71 Omg that was hell on earth. First three months of my babies life were misery. Between the body pains from delivery, no sleep, not being able to go anywhere or do anything without a production, etc.

I used to Google nonstop to make sure that this wasn't going to be my new normal. And guess what? It's not. Baby is 4.5 months and sleeps through the night. Amazing what normal sleep does to your quality of life. You'll be there soon!!
@griffin71 6 weeks was tough on us too! I believe there’s a growth spurt around that time for most babies so we were cluster feeding around the clock. 😭 It was definitely tough!
@griffin71 She'll go back to her old sleeping patterns and even better. 6 weeks was the worst. My baby's colic peaked then. And it was right before her sleep got better. At 13 weeks we are doing pretty well. It's just a phase. It'll be over in no time
@griffin71 She was sleeping in 10 hour stretches out of absolutely nowhere at 8 weeks. Not saying it'll happen to you but there's a light at the end of the tunnel and it may be soon for you. Tbh it is for many babies. Usually by 3 months they can sleep in at least a 6 hour stretch. I believe in her!!!
@griffin71 I looked at my profile and saw this comment and decided to add one more thing - growth spurts are miserable but during them they usually develop some skills that will make everyone in the house better off. Like the 4 month sleep regression. It's really a brain progression. Tough it out knowing you will reap some mighty benefits when it's over.
@griffin71 Man do I feel you. Our little guy was very colicky and 6-8 weeks was the height of it. It seemed like any time he was awake, he was crying.

It gets better. When they smile at you for the first time intentionally, you forget that you’ve lost so much sleep. When you make them laugh, you forget that you rocked them for sometimes hours on end crying right along with them. I cried many days and nights feeling like I couldn’t do anything right by my babe, not the mention your body and hormones are still adjusting and everything still feels new and weird.

Our guy is now 4 months old, still wakes every 2-3 hours, and we still have 99.9% of our parenting journey ahead of us. But he is (usually) a happy smiley little guy when he’s awake and that makes it all worth it. When you see them start to become little humans, grabbing at things, holding their own head up, rolling over, babbling at you, it is the best feeling in the world. You created that human. And you’re doing a damn good job caring for them even in the toughest times.