6 months pregnant with first child and weigh 5 pounds less than my starting weight, am I doing something wrong?


New member
I lost about 7 pounds from the start of my pregnancy when I hit month 4. Now I am six months along and only gained 2 pounds from what I lost. The weightloss was not intentional and I feel like I am already eating all the time. I should note I was overweight bmi wise when I got pregnant (but I wasnt gaining any extra) Am I doing something wrong? My husband is really concerned about our child.
@gabe7587 Likely not an issue. If you are keeping regular appointments with your doctor you can clarify when you meet. My wife had a similar experience both times.

There are a number of reasons why this might be occurring from what I recall from my wife's time being pregnant, but again confirm with your doctor:
  1. You begin living a more healthy lifestyle as a result of the pregnancy. You eat better, get a little bit more exercise, and the result is that you loose some of your excess pounds, while weight from the pregnancy is gained normally.
  2. As the baby grows and your stomach gradually fills with more liquids (which is the majority of what is there until later in pregnancy), organs in your digestive tract are pressured and their capacity reduced. This effectively makes you get full faster, take longer to digest things, and need to use the washroom more often.
  3. Hormonal changes can adjust your metabolism, so your body begins to more effectively use nutrients. This further effects points #1 and #2.
@gabe7587 Unless your doctor says something don't worry about it. I was overweight as well when I became pregnant with twins and lost a bunch of weight as well. I was also eating all the time but I was craving salads with fried chicken and dorothy lynch all the time so I ended up getting healthier during my pregnancy lol. My doc asked me how often I was eating and what and when I told him he just laughed and let me be.
@gabe7587 If your child's size is behind (fundal height), they'll order an ultrasound to see if he's actually behind in growth. If they haven't done that, your OB isn't worried and you shouldn't be either!

I had trouble gaining weight during my pregnancy because of morning sickness + activity. My son came at 37 weeks, but he weighed over 7 pounds - perfectly healthy!

We had two third-trimester ultrasounds to monitor his growth and he was totally fine at each one, even though my weight gain was slow and my belly measured too small.
@gabe7587 I’ve barely gained any weight at all (less than 5 lbs) and almost at the half way mark. The nausea in first trimester was horrible. All my ultrasounds have been normal and baby is growing well so my dr isn’t concerned.
@gabe7587 I lost 22 pounds over my whole pregnancy, my son was born 8 pound 9.5 oz. Unless your dr is concerned or the scans show baby is too small it shouldn't be an issue.

I was "over weight" BMI wise also, they told me my baby would be too small as I was stealing nutrition from him due to my weight. My last scan was at 38 weeks and he weighed 6 pounds, he managed to gain and extra 2+ pounds in the last 2 weeks of the pregnancy. My weight loss wasnt intentional, my chubby baby must have been feeding off my excess weight haha

EDIT: included more info
@gabe7587 I lost 18lbs when i got pregnant (HG) and didnt gain it all back until literally 2 weeks before she was born. Unless you lose more than 20lbs and the baby is developing behind then i wouldnt worry.
@gabe7587 If you were over weight than this is probably not an issue as long as you are eating healthy and taking your prenatal vitamins I wouldn't worry. The baby will take what it needs from your body. But it's a good idea to talk to the doctor about it and have them do an ultrasound as long as the baby looks good then don't wory
@gabe7587 First, CONGRATS! This is an exciting and sometimes overwhelming time. Just remember that there are no rules and kids are little chaos engines. Listen to your instincts and feel free to ignore unsolicited advice - even mine!

As many others have pointed out, weight fluctuations can be completely normal. If he hasn't attended one yet, please have your husband attend your next doctor's appointment so he can talk to the doctor directly about his concerns. I'm a guy and understand that from time to time, we can be pretty clueless about the female body and need an "authoritative figure" to set us straight.

For what it's worth, my wife lost weight during her pregnancy with our first child. She gained a few pounds in later months when the baby's growth really accelerated, but after our oldest was born, she was immediately lighter than when she started the pregnancy. A lot of it came from dietary changes and eating better for the growing baby.

And finally, some advice my dad gave me on my wedding day: Your life will end three times - when you get married, when you buy a house, and when you have kids.

He was right, in his own way. The routines and "life" you had before those events essentially ends. Priorities change, new things become more important than old things, and that's okay. Just remember to take lots of pictures so that you can embarrass your child later in life. It's a parental prerogative after all... :)
@gabe7587 If you were significantly overweight to begin with, it is considered a good thing if you gain less weight during pregnancy. Studies have shown that interventions (such as being asked to go on doctor-advised diets) made the mind gain less weight, the babies weight didn’t change, and various risks were reduced.

From https://www.bmj.com/content/344/bmj.e2088

Interventions in obese and overweight pregnant women showed a reduction in gestational weight gain (mean difference −2.1 kg, −3.46 to −0.75 kg; P
@gabe7587 It's not unusual to lose weight at first. I was underweight with my first pregnancy, so my docs kept a close eye on it, but I was eating and keeping active and healthy, so there were no concerns. I didn't really start to gain weight until the sixth month. Kiddo was born right on time and healthy.
@gabe7587 Sounds like you and your husband are anxious over the pregnancy. That’s something to look in to as a preventative measure before the baby is born. Weight fluctuation is normal.

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