6 months PP and feel 95 years old!

@deyahss41 With one of my singletons I had so much joint pain at 8 months pp my dr tested me for rheumatoid arthritis but found nothing. After my twins the joint pain flared up again but not quite as bad and I still have it a little at 19 months pp. I think it has to do with the breastfeeding and having went through the pregnancy hormones and relaxin etc.
@deyahss41 every morning my hands and feet are so so stiff and sore! it's so annoying! i thought maybe i was sleeping on them weird because sometimes it's pins and needles but sometimes they're just really sore instead, they feel like i just came in from the snow into a hot room yknow? like swollen and hot. i have no idea why. i've got my annual coming up and i'm going to ask my obgyn to run some sort of hormones panel and test me for idk early onset arthritis and see if something is weird or if this is just my life now :( on the plus side, all my toenails that CRACKED IN HALF because the twins stole all the nutrients from my entire body, finally grew out and are normal again. only took 9 months or so. nobody warned me about toenails cracking in half, that's for sure
@deyahss41 remember that you grew TWO human beings, who literally ATE your muscle in utero. You will have to regain muscle which is damn hard.

For the first few months, getting up off the floor was the equivalent of climbing Mt Everest. As your babies gain weight, your muscle will return from doing Everything with them, but you gotta eat LOTS of protein to make fuel for your body to make muscle.

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