5 under 5?!?

@daniel1986 We had 5u5 for a hot second (it’s 5, aged 7 and under now) and I feel like once you’re in the chaos of 4u4 the 5th just comes into the fold. We did have to upgrade to an 8 seater car though and have just moved to a bigger house in the last year so you definitely need to make adjustments but for the first year and a half with baby #5 we made do in a 3 bedroom townhouse. So like everything, it’s doable, but you may go a bit insane.
@jennifers60 We will definitely need a bigger car. While we have a 7 seater currently, we need one of the back seats folded down all the time to get my daughter in. So time is definitely ticking on that.
@daniel1986 Congrats! 🎊
I’d be your apprentice haha I’m about to join 3u3 with a few weeks left to go in pregnancy. I’m SO curious how your body is holding up? I feel like this pregnancy my body is ready to fall apart 🫠
@sal4 Congrats to you!! I feel pretty good! I’d say I’m pretty athletic though and I think that helps A TON. I still plan to run/strength train during this pregnancy (pending complications of course). I’m also young (I’ll be 30 by the time bub is born) and have quite frankly spent thousands in chiro, physio and massage lol.
@daniel1986 Wishing this pregnancy goes well too, Godspeed. I hope to get back to fitness post this baby! If you have any insights about post partum fitness/wellness I’d def welcome them.
@daniel1986 I can't be of much help, but I would encourage you to talk to your doctor about the RSV vaccine for pregnant women given in the 3rd trimester. It'll help protect baby from RSV in a big way.

Unrelated, loading everybody in the car sounds like a HUGE challenge.
@runswithdogs Definitely a good tip! My babies have gotten the RSV vaccine.

Not as much of a challenge as you think. Kid #4 always gets loaded in first since she’s still very small. Big kids have been conditioned to hold hands and hold onto an adult (or hold onto my leg while loading baby sis if I’m by myself) so they don’t run off. I throw the rest in who can get in the seat by themselves and buckle one by one.
@daniel1986 We had 5 under 6 and it was insane. We had to move to a big house to make it work. Everyone survived. It’s been fun to have them close in age once we got out of diapers. We were ready for another once the fifth kid was in kindergarten
@starofhope I think we’re definitely going to have to move soon-ish. We really want to make the space work for as long as we can because we moved while rents were low (peak pandemic) so we’d easily pay $750 - $1000 more than what we’re paying now. Hopefully we can make it work, but we’re prepared to start looking if we have to.
@daniel1986 Breastfeeding is your best bet. When colds blow through my house the breastfed baby usually gets the most mild case of whatever it is. Kids that are in school have to shower as soon as they get home.
@daniel1986 I’m combo feeding my third and she’s gotten so many mild sniffles this winter but has otherwise been pretty good, despite my big kids bringing home a bunch of coughs and colds from school/daycare. I’m not sure if the breastfeeding was the reason or not but I’m happy to take credit. 😆
@daniel1986 As long as they’re being put to the breast occasionally or getting some breastmilk it def makes a difference! I don’t think formula cancels out the immune benefits

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