5 mo waking more frequently for night feeds


New member
Baby is already sleep trained. We had her into a routine of in bed at 7, wakes for a feed between 2 and 5, then regardless of what time we fed her, wakes up at 7. One feed a night every night for over a month.

Now she’s waking up between 12-1 every night and wanting to be fed every 2-3 hours. This was her newborn pattern.

I’d need to consult with the doctor about night weaning but my instinct is she isn’t ready yet. I’m really more interested in holding her to her previous baseline.

We already doing SITBACK during all night wakings. She doesn’t fall asleep at cuddle so it’s “k, time to feed” (I hate that acronym so much!)

Why is she back sliding? What else can we do?