30W pregnant with covid


New member
I am 30 weeks pregnant. I tested positive for Covid (4th time having it) yesterday. I threw up 6-7 times yesterday, a massive amount. I’ve had loose stools since yesterday that are now a bright yellow bile like. My abdomen has been cramping severely. I just ate and so far have not thrown it up for the first time in 40 hours. I am not drinking nearly enough fluids as I can only take small sips. In all the times I’ve had covid, I’ve never had vomiting/diarrhea with it. I tried to call my OB this morning but she is signed out for the holiday so I was forwarded to another OB who said to get IV fluids if I can’t hold water down for more than 4 hours. I luckily haven’t vomited since this morning. I’m not sure if I should go see L&D or the ED or just wait it out. At what point am I losing too much fluids via vomiting/diarrhea? I’m hoping the cramps in my abdomen are from straining from vomiting rather than anything to do with the baby. Has anyone else ever had Covid while pregnant and experienced the GI part of it? I don’t know when I should worry and seek treatment.
@hesgoturback I had vomiting and diarrhea the first time I had Covid and I was pregnant. I was 20 or so weeks along. 40 hours is a long time to go throwing up while you’re pregnant but since you’re on the other end of it now, I’d really try to drink something like Gatorade. You’ll need more of something sugary than water but you’ll need a lot of it. And you’re definitely going to be sore and cramp from all the vomiting and diarrhea. Dehydration can give you contractions too.

If you’re not peeing every few hours or your urine is really dark, that’s a sign that you’re too dehydrated. They don’t care so much about the diarrhea because that has to work its way out. When your appetite resumes, take probiotic yogurt daily and it’ll take care of the diarrhea. That’s what they told me and it was fixed in 2 days. But watch your cramping, if they’re frequent and on a schedule it’s best to just go in. I’m sure it’ll all be related to dehydration but you’ve lost so much fluid so that it could be hard to get back to where you need to be.

And I can tell you with Covid, it does affect the placenta. It can make the placenta not work as well. So they will probably do an ultrasound for you in a few weeks when this has all passed to check baby’s growth. They are very concerned with IUGR after you get Covid.
@hesgoturback I’m in the hospital right now at 34 weeks with influenza a. They told me at L&D to only go if you’re dealing with the baby and if it’s something to do with you then go to ED. I’d go just as a precaution and to get rehydrated at the very least.