3 Months at Daycare, 6 Bites - Am I overreacting?!

My toddler (19 months) has been at a daycare for 3 months. She's been bitten SIX times (5 of 6 have been the same biter). He has bitten her back, arms and FACE (still has the mark). We've spoken to the administration and they claim to be working on it, but at this point it seems excessive. The owner says they can't guarantee she won't be bitten again and that she would totally understand if we decided to take her to a different daycare (and that she wouldn't enforce the 30-day notice). EYE ROLL. What is the right move here - wait it out? Hire a lawyer? Take her a different place and just chalk it up as bad luck? Thoughts appreciated!
@heygoddidyouforgetme I’m so sorry…my kid is the biter. My first was the bitee. As a parent we are working on it and I know her daycare is too. With my first…I never even considered switching daycares. We did talk a lot about how if someone does that to you, you should go play with other friends and it’s not okay for anyone to do that.

Now that my 2nd is the biter…we always attach a chew toy, redirect her, talk to her about how biting isn’t okay.

All this just to say…I don’t think switching is the solution. Unless you have other issues that are safety concerns.
@chithirairaj Our biting policy starts after 3, when it is clearly malicious and intentional. At less than 2 it is still an unfortunate, but normal, part of development :(
@heygoddidyouforgetme just here to say my kid (18m) is a biter and seems to go after the same kid. i have done quite literally, everything. teachers are working on it, im working on it, i've called peds about it....everyone has assured me it's normal for this age range and just continue to redirect. best we've been able to do is notice his triggers and i've asked the teachers to keep a closer eye on him in certain situations and separate before he bites the other kids. it's usually when playing with certain toys or right before nap (when hes tired?)

my oldest was the one that got bit and I was also upset by it. once the kids started talking more, the biting stopped--which happened around 2!!