3-6 months - What’s next?

@benvi85 More babble. Dino nosies that are way longer and louder. Bigger smiles. Intentional snuggles which are so nice. Maybe some sleep struggles. Little “chuckles” and squeals. 4.5 is my fav yet.
@benvi85 All the comments here are so incredibly interesting as a childless adult. Have lots of cousins with kids & niece nephew now older. Always loved babies even as a kid. Cousin recently expecting. Excited to see all the changes that happen with the little one. Don’t remember lots of details with other kiddos I’ve been around.
@benvi85 3-6 is really fun! They start to come into their little personalities! Lots of laughter, maybe a first word (closer to 6), they reach for people and find their toes and begin to engage with the world. It’s magical seeing it all through their eyes.
@benvi85 Take videos everyday of simple mundane moments. Even just them lying there, breathing. It’s crazy the way the muscles mature and stop moving in that first year…. They stop grunting all the time too 😭😭
@benvi85 Your potato baby is going to turn into rolly Polly soon so get into the habit of strapping them in or placing them on a flat surface. I did this for muscle memory and it helped for when my daughter actually started turning over.

Baby is also going to fidget a lot more so expect more spit up and stinky smell behind all the folds. They might also show signs around 4-5 months of eating, but your pediatrician will let you know. Mine started at 5 months.

They are going to get bored. So expect grunts of attention here and there. Have light up toys ready for your sanity. Or on occasion some sensory tv if you're comfortable. I did 10 minutes on the swing while I did dishes.
@benvi85 Lots of changes and ups and downs! I felt like 3 til 4 months things started to get into a groove, sleep improved and we got into a bit of a rhythm. That changed some at 4 months ish with the sleep regression, then got a bit better, bit worse off and on til nearly 6 months. Things are wayyy better on the sleep front (we decided to do sleep training - not for everyone but it worked for us) and I feel like things have definitely gotten easier. There are some difficult moments but also some of the funnest yet - she’s so much more aware and awake, laughing and cooing, playing, trying first solid foods, etc.
@denispa Very much looking forward to sleep improving and getting more into a rhythm. We’re starting to see it now with 1.5hr wake windows and maaaaybe a predictable bedtime too! We’re working on independent sleep. Next step it to get out of the swaddle and the snoo!
@benvi85 Aww my baby is turning 3 months tomorrow but honestly the weeks leading up to 3 months have been wonderful. She’s a lot more expressive (happy and laughing in the morning, more cranky at night). Lots of babbling and making “conversations.” Drooling everywhere. She’s starting to sleep in the crib for naps (huge leap from solely contact napping before) and sleeping 10 hrs at night. I’m also breastfeeding and I really hated it in the beginning, but I’m glad I stuck through with it because I’m finally starting to see that special bond everyone talks about. I also can sense she has slight separation anxiety from me because she always looks for me whenever someone else holds her. Or if I’m gone for a while and come back she greets me with the biggest smile.

These wonderful weeks have made me laugh back at how chaotic the first 9 weeks were. It’s kinda funny how my husband and I had no clue wtf we were doing as first time parents and how we’d get irritated at each other for the stupidest things. But we have made it out of the dreaded “fourth trimester” and it wasn’t TOO bad.