3-6 months - What’s next?

@benvi85 I have made it a point to write out details like when we saw baby smile for the first time, roll over, crawl, etc. I don't know that he'll care when he's older but I love the details. It helps me remember despite the sleep deprivation!
@benvi85 Nap lengths and number of naps per day (at least for my baby) changed drastically between 3-6 months. We went from 3-4 naps per day to 2 crap naps (which I’ve read is developmentally normal for my 6 month old) that last no longer than 40 minutes. It’s a big change! I have less free time now that her naps are so short and she’s awake for longer. The good news is that she’s a lot better now at independent play than she was at 6 months. Another big change I wasn’t ready for is her heightened curiosity. It’s amazing to watch her discover things about her world and learn. :)
@matthew8l Yes lol my 5 month old is FASCINATED by her hand she just twirls it and stares at it all day long even when she’s eating 😂 I love watching the curiosity
@benvi85 My Lo went from naps every 2 hours almost and for 20-40mins at the time to two 2hour naps a day after the 4 month regression and it’s great! I can nap with her now and it’s a great break I look forward to every day. I can even scroll my phone for an hour or clean or watch a whole movie AND get a nap if I want. So it can go this way also with naps. She also wants her naps at aprox the same time every day
@matthew8l Ohhh yes, forgot about this phase! Ours was taking max 30 min naps till she started connecting sleep cycles! It’s developmentally normal at around 4 ish months and doesn’t last forever!
@benvi85 Once they discover their vocal chords oh man...all you will hear are little baby screams that aren't cries or indications of them being upset anymore. It's actually kind of cute but I did NOT know such a big noise can come from such a little baby! He would be looking at his toys hanging above him and all of a sudden gets excited at something and just screams.
@struggle151 Mine is almost 4 months and she's always been vocal w babbling and screeching but holy hell, she recently realized she could SCREAM. Like grown woman in danger screaming. She doesn't do it when she's mad....she will be making all her happy noises and then scream as loud as she can. It was super unnerving the first time she did it (at like 7am).
@struggle151 The vocal experimentation phase is wild! In addition to the usual squawking, my 4-month-old recently discovered growling and roaring like a little dinosaur. Sometimes it evolves into polyphonic demon noises -- sounding exactly like a drone. I sent a video to my parents and they couldn't believe the noise was coming from her!

She also finds the best/worst times for these noises, like when we're in an elevator with others, or when I'm talking on the phone. It's so weird and it cracks me up!