3.5 y/o sleep

@ashleyn5369 Does he nap? If so, you should make sure the nap length is right and the wake windows are right for his age and needs. Every time my boy starts doing this we assess for sickness first and then reassess his sleep needs based on age. We had split nights for a week where he'd wake up at 1 and not sleep until 6. It was brutal.
@thegingersnap16 That's just the cry it out method, with harder stops. If my child wants me, you best believe I'm going to be there to listen. Even at 3am. Or I'll be like my dad, alone at 80 odd wondering why my kids never come to visit?
@jorgeh Out of interest "Goes back to bed with no fuss", can I quiz you on your bedtimes, or what "with no fuss" means?

Our child is energy incarnate, she will not sleep without a cuddle and eventually passing out lying on me. So wake ups are the same situation, needs to cuddle and pass out on me, at least these days, she doesn't need a book after a wakeup.

Do you manage to get your child sleeping, or starting to sleep by themselves? For wake ups, are you just going, "ok, we're back in your room, get in bed and sleep now"?
@mduce Bedtime is between 7:30 and 8, she gets a book, a song, and about 5-10 minutes of snuggling and by then she's usually asleep but if she's not we leave her room.

Middle of the night wakeups, I don't even speak to her honestly. She'll come into my room and I pick her up and put her back into her bed. Tuck in, kiss her cheek, and leave - literally not one single word. We did have to build up to that when we moved her from crib to bed, but yea even in the beginning it would just be simple "back to bed, get some sleep" until we didn't even have to do that anymore.
@jorgeh Yeah, well.... My kid likes broccoli, so there.

Joking aside, there's some interesting things to try. I guess the key is discipline and consistency.

Although my missus is at home with both the kids today alone and the 4 year old just requested "booby milk" looks like we're fully regressing!
@mayz My youngest daughter will be 3 in a month and she NEVER has slept through the night. She is up 3 times on a good night. But I just read a study a pediatrician did on sleep and it said 88% of kids ages 3-4 still wake throughout the night and it made me feel better because it seems like EVERYONE else’s kids sleep through the night lol
@katrina2017 Random question but do you keep a water cup with her in bed? I feel like that helps especially if the wakes are bc they are thirsty. I know that’s not the best idea for bedtime potty training but ya know