2nd day period sex w tampon still in, pre cum. Is plan b or EC necessary to prevent pregnancy?


New member
hey guys so i am not on birth control yet, but my boyfriend and i got in the heat of the moment during the 2nd day of my period, which is usually the heaviest. he wasnt wearing a condom but we kept the tampon in, which made him not put it in fully, maybe a little less than half of his penis at most. he definitely ejaculated not in or near my vulva, but there was pribably pre cum. is it necessary to get plan b? and if i do, will it still be effective after 24 hrs but before 48 hrs?
@georgiagurl01 You need to stop fooling around, having sex, anything. You know nothing of you body, your reproductive system.

Stop going with your hormones and learn something about ur body. You killing you liver with all this unnecessary plan b.

You don’t want to get pregnant because your a teen. Stop being stupid I’m sorry but you have post after post showing how much u would rather kill ur body then talk to an obgyn use condoms and get on birth control.

Your risking cervix damage, toxic shook, tearing of the vaginal wall. All from having sex with a tampon in. You have options for sex on period, condoms with no blood protection. A disk to collect.

THERE IS ONE THING THAT CAUSES BABIES! ONE SPERM INSIDE THE VAGINA. So a handjob and washing off his sperm from your hand means no sperm can’t get pregnant.

Vagina sex or cumming on the outside of the vagina are the only way to have a baby.