24W - Feeling SO Defeated with Decline in Running. Tips?


New member
Hello Everyone! I am 24 weeks and having the hardest time with running. I ran regularly before. It started with my pace being way down. Now its pain in my lower abdomen (round ligament, I suspect) and feet, and tightness in my calves. I'd say the abdomen pain is worst.

I am wearing compression socks, got the FitSplint maternity belt, high wasited running shorts for extra support, and am trying to avoid heat as best as possible (a feat in D.C.!)

It is just running that does this to me. I am actually a fitness instructor at an indoor rowing studio (think SoulCycle-esque but rowing machine instead of a bike) and get through my classes just fine- talking the whole time while I am doing the class.

My last two runs I couldn't even/barely made two miles at 12:00/mi pace--more than three minutes over my usual for a much longer run. Whatttt?? Earlier in my pregnancy I signed up for the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler (9/12) and now am having doubts. I feel so defeated. I kept telling myself I'd "get used to it" and "adjust". Instead, it continues to decline.

Anyone have tips? Go through similar? What did you guys do/what are you doing for cardio?
@jsykes Hi OP! I have been runner all my life so when I got pregnant and found myself in a similar situation as you, I was so upset. But honestly, it is absolutely key to listen to your body. If it doesn't feel right, or if it is causing you pain, just take it down to a walk for now. The last thing you want is to cause any kind of pelvic floor damage that could wind up taking more recovery. I gave up running around the halfway mark as well but continued doing other low-intensity workouts to stay fit: TRX straps, rowing machine, walking at high incline (12-15%), body weight exercises (lots of bird dogs and dead bugs at the end there), and weights. It can feel defeating right now, but you will bounce back!! I remember feeling like I would never get back to where I was but I'm 6 months post-partum and I just PR'd on a run at my gym last week! Be patient, listen to your body, and modify when you need to. It's a journey and your abilities will come back!
@lakecrescent Can't second this enough. If something is uncomfortable or painful, back off from it when you're pregnant. The last thing you want is pregnancy complications or something like a stress fracture. I switched to walking around 20 weeks because I kept feeling like I had to pee when running and it's been much more enjoyable for me.
@jsykes I gave up running at around 23 weeks - my calves just felt dead on runs no matter what I did in terms of electrolytes and compression, and the pressure on my bladder was constant and uncomfortable. I’ve been relying on my indoor bike instead and have no regrets. It’s a lot more comfortable than the bouncing on my bladder and my calves have improved enough that they aren’t bothering me when I go on walks anymore like they did when I was still running. At almost 32 weeks the bladder pressure/round ligament pain is even worse so running would definitely be out of the question, but I can still get on the bike and get a solid workout. I miss running but I’ll get back to it when I safely can.
@jsykes I’m 21 weeks and it’s frustrating. I’m also coming back from a debilitating knee injury, so trying to start running again while pregnant. Yesterday I managed 2 miles without stopping at a 9:30 pace, and had to laugh at that being such an accomplishment. I was a ~30mpw runner before at maintenance, but am now doing ~12mpw and giving myself permission to run a half mile then take a minute or to to walk (also to keep my heart rate down). I’m focusing more on cycling and non/low-impact to supplement.

I came across an article in RW a while back that essentially said that even if you can only do half of what you were doing pre-pregnancy, you can expect to essentially maintain your fitness. That was encouraging!

ETA: I aspire to run throughout my pregnancy, and it sounds like you might too, but there may just be a time to stop and that’s ok! I’m taking it week by week.
@jsykes I had to stop at 26 weeks due to spd pain. I worked with a PT, but there really wasn’t anything that helped. Unfortunately running just isn’t in the cards for a lot of people due to injury pain, not diminishing fitness. Luckily you should still be good rowing and biking! After I had my baby, I was back running pretty quickly.
@jsykes I gave up running at 25 weeks and switched to spin bike. Really don’t push through any discomfort when pregnant and running, it’s not worth the risk to your pelvic floor or injuring yourself due to the hormone relaxin. I understand how hard it is to not get your cardio hit and time outdoors but try replacing running with walking and doing some other form of low impact but high intensity cardio. You will have your body back to yourself soon and will be able to enjoy some awesome running gains!
@jsykes No advice, but feeling the same. I was going to make a very similar post today. Pregnant with number two, and was able to run a lot longer with my first pregnancy. Now 23 weeks and getting lots of what I suspect is round ligament pain - only while running. Decided mid (very slow) run today I may have to officially switch to biking and walking. Hard to not feel defeated over it.
@jsykes I’ve run multiple marathons without issue and had to completely stop running at 20-22 weeks because of the round ligament pain. A slow, jog/walk interval would have me in tears by a half mile. Now my exercise consists of playing lots of disc golf, taking my pups on walks, and doing dance cardio 1-2 times per week.

Some people are capable of it and others are not. Be kind to yourself and keep in mind that you’re literally growing a human. Walking is still good exercise!
@jsykes That's so tough. During my first pregnancy around that 2324 week mark I started getting a similar pain in my calves. I took a few days off and then tried again and the pain went away. Personally I think you're growing so fast in the second trimester that it takes a while for your body to catch up. I ended up doing my last run at 39 weeks one week before my child arrived. Obviously take it easy and listen to your body. But see what happens in a week or two. Though I kept running through my whole pregnancy I did add more elliptical and swimming in the later stages. Keep at it and good luck
@jsykes Oh man, I get it! I’m in DC too and was running 6-8 miles a day pre-pregnancy. Now I’m happy with 3-4. I try running earlier when it’s cooler and taking frequency walking breaks but it’s tough. I try to hydrate a lot pre-run but then my bladder is in pain 😂 having a very wide and supportive waistband in my leggings helps a lot though!

Glad to hear rowing is still working for u! I stopped rowing around week 12 because the crunch/reaching motion felt weird on my stomach. I also use to teach a bootcamp class but had to stop because first trimester was so hard.
@chingay Hello from D.C.! I found that a (thicker) rowing seat cushion has helped me with crunching feeling - which I just started getting in the last week or so. I literally just practiced with it for the first time today. I got mine on Amazon.

I tried early am run today (normally, I am teaching in the mornings) but sadly it didn't seem to move the needle, hence the breakdown post today.

As for the supportive waistband leggings, any you recommend? I am currently using Old Navy maternity and Lululemon align in a size up.
@jsykes I love the align leggings! I’m still wearing my pre-pregnancy ones and the stretch actually feels really good on my belly (i’m 19 weeks). Ironically in my first trimester, my stomach was so painfully bloated that I couldn’t wear the same leggings at all.

I’m also adding in Peloton’s prenatal strength and yoga classes in to help keep my core and pelvic muscles strong, which also helps with that “heaviness” feeling in my belly.

Glad the seat is working! Maybe Ill give it a try post-natal!
@chingay I did try out my pre-pregnancy ones today and the extra support did feel pretty good, great tip! I love Peloton also - I wish they had MORE parental strength. I am also doing a free trial of Obe (online platform) and they have TONS of prenatal stuff!
@jsykes I’ll check out Obe! Yea I wish Peloton had more too, I’m just doing the same classes on repeat, which is going to get old.
Hey do you have insight as to if workout studios in DC are going back to masked with the new order? I’ve been doing Barry’s 1-2x a week and might pass out if I had to be masked for it…
@chingay Hi! I know we are at our studios as of tomorrow. Sadly, not our choice, its the Mayor's mandate. I know we as instructors will modify our workouts as needed. Of course, we want you to lift your mask if you need a moment to breathe or grab water. We are also adding extra distance between our machines. I'm sure Barry's will do a lot of the same.

I have found with a lot of working out in a mask that paper is best for easiest to breather. Even better than the fancy Under Armor one I got. Definitely avoid anything cotton or the WORST - with an acetate or synthetic backing.
@jsykes Thanks, that’s helpful! I was doing indoor and outdoor masked workouts before, but that was also pre-pregnancy 😭 I’m having such a hard time breathing properly while working out pregnant as is. I’ll give it a try and see how it goes! Definitely getting flashbacks to running outside in the heat and masked last summer 😰
@jsykes Fellow preggo DC runner here too! I commend you for signing up for the Cherry Blossom, I noped right out of that this year even though I love it! I unfortunately don’t have advice, just here to commiserate. I’m still going for runs most days but they are sloooow and short. Currently 19 weeks.
@vandallrnson I noticed your handle! If it's related to your neighborhood ....we are neighbors!

Commiserating is VERY appreciated! Sorry you're dealing with this too
@jsykes I’m 22 weeks and this resonates with me so much. I was thrilled at 15 weeks when I could finally run again post first-tri symptoms. I lasted two weeks. I can’t do a run (also 2-3 min/mi slower than usual) without abdominal pain and overheating. I used to run in 90 degree 100% humid ass Georgia heat. It’s so discouraging - especially when you want so badly to be one of those inspirational fit pregnant women who just don’t seem inconvenienced in the slightest. I hope you find something that makes you feel very strong and healthy!